Idle Skilling Wiki

Pachinko is a minigame accessed through the Arcade button in the Gem Shop. Reach Desert to unlock it.


Arcade probability

Graphical view of rewards probability

The player can launch Pachinko balls Arcade pachinko ball and watch them bounce and fall into various portals containing rewards. The maximum amount of balls a player can have 49, so it is advised the player collects them every day. The player can complete tasks and level Pet Passives to increase the rate at which balls are collected. The player can also buy 100 balls for 275 Gems.


Task Set 1[]

15 tasks, +2% balls / hour per task.

Task Screen Comments
Reach the Mountains Fight icon Reach zone 3
Reach the Mist Fight icon Reach zone 4
Reach the Dungeon Fight icon Reach zone 5
Mine some Refractium Small mining icon Level 45 mining
Mine some Godshard Small mining icon Level 75 mining
Achieve level 99 Attack Train icon
Kill 10m Bandit Bobs Fight icon 2-13: Bandit Bob (13th monster of zone 2 )
Defeat Chaotic Sentinel Raids icon Third boss 2nd difficulty in raids
Defeat Nightmare Demon Raids icon Fourth boss 3rd difficulty in raids
Employ 6 Noble Tillers Tilling icon Noble Tillers unlock along with Purple Land
Harvest some Candypops Farming icon Botany plant 12
Brew a Purple potion Brewing icon
Defeat the Basilisk Small crusades icon Requires lvl 70 Crusades
Have 150 Crusaders Small crusades icon
Get 5 SSSS++ Contracts Contracts icon

Task Set 2[]

13 tasks, +3% balls / hour per task.

Task Screen Comments
Kill 99m Chaotic Bob 3 Fight icon 2-9: Chaotic Bob 3 (27th monster of zone 6)
Get a Shrine to lvl 16 Asylum Icon Shrines are shops that use traces in Asylum
Craft a cyber food Smithing icon Requires at least Warped Smithing
Defeat Occulon X Asylum Icon
Survive Emigdala Y Asylum Icon Do not kill it. Wait out the timer
Level Rift Rift to 30 Summoning icon
Achieve lvl 140 H2O Train icon
Defeat Gheist Small crusades icon Requires lvl 60 Crusades
Set 6 Tillers to crop 20 Tilling icon Crop 20 is Sammatian
Find the Civilization Secrets icon Visit Secrets for more info
Get a Hoops score of 20 Secrets icon Visit Secrets for more info
Reach the Beach Trekking Icon Beach is Zone 3 of Trekking
Hatch a purple egg Hatchery Icon

Task Set 3[]

9 tasks, +5% balls / hour per task.

Task Screen Comments
Unlock all 16 Tperks Small gym icon
Overgrow Sunburst to 25 Farming icon
Defeat a Bell 11 boss Asylum Icon Ring bells in Nightmare difficulty fights
Achieve lvl 999 Strength Train icon
Equip a Crystal Skull Tinkering icon Requires lvl 99 Tinkering
Get 30 SSSS++ Contracts Contracts icon
Free Bob Research Icon

Level 'Our Best Friend' purple Tank to 540

and unlock Bob Perfume Godly Potion

Reach the Aberrant Trekking Icon Aberrant is Zone 8 in Trekking
Breed the Almight Hatchery Icon Almight is ID 45 Pet, last in breedable line


Odds per ball[]

Reward Chance/Amount
Loot APCoupon
AP Coupon 1/630
Loot AsylumKey
Asylum Key 1/3579
Loot PachinkoBalls
Pachinko Balls 1/3 (0.340)
Loot BPCoupon
BP Coupon 1/5948
2hr candy
2h Candy 1/367
4hr candy
4h Candy 1/1677
8hr candy
8h Candy 1/3149
24hr candy
24h Candy 1/5948
72hr candy
72h Candy 1/10289
Card GreyStarCard
Grey Star Card 1/3 (0.287)
Card GreenStarCard
Green Star Card 1/7 (0.134)
Card BlueStarCard
Blue Star Card 1/56
Card PurpleStarCard
Purple Star Card 1/350
Card OrangeStarCard
Orange Star Card 1/1622
Safety Charm 1/3921
Lucky Donut 1/1765
Crystal Genesis 1/1765
Chaotic Mutator 1/1412
Benign Mutator 1/1357
1 of each Crystal 1/13719
Arcade GoldenBall
Golden Ball 4.05
Loot Gem
Gem 1/2 (0.464)
Currency BaseCoin
Current Monster Cash 11.34
Current Monster Kill 4.04
Raid Ticket 1/75
Jackpot (1500 Gems, Ball Cascade from Bronze Portal) 1/27814

Odds per portal[]

Lame Rewards[]

Reward Probability
50x Monster Cash 29%
8 Kills 26%
Grey Star Card 10%
Raid ticket 1%
Bronze Portal 34%

Bronze Rewards[]

Reward Probability
17 Kills 26%
Green Star Card 24.5%
2 Gems 13%
2 Grey Star Card 8%
Raid ticket 1%
2 Hour Candy 0.5%
Silver Portal 30.5%

Silver Rewards[]

Reward Probability
3 Grey Star Cards 18%
Blue Star Card 15%
8 Balls 16.5%
5 Gems 14.5%
1 Crusade Misc Item[1] 2%
4 Hour Candy 0.5%
Gold Portal 33.5%

Gold Rewards[]

Reward Probability
6 Grey Star Cards 19%
12 Gems 19%
15 Balls 18%
Purple Star Card 9%
Ascend Coupon 5%
8 Hour Candy 1%
Elite Portal 29%

Elite Rewards[]

Reward Probability
30 Balls 36%
15 Grey Star Cards 25%
60 Gems 18%
Orange Star Card 11%
2 Crusade Misc Items[1] 4%
24 Hour Candy 3%
Rebirth Coupon 3%

Divine Rewards[]

Reward Probability
75 Balls 40%
Asylum Key 23%
200 Gems 23%
72h Hour Candy 8%
1 of each Crystal 6%

King's Ransom[]

Reward Probability
1500 Gems and a Ball Cascade from the Bronze portal 100%
  1. 1.0 1.1 1 Benign Mutator (26%), 1 Chaotic Mutator (25%), 1 Crystal Genesis (20%), 1 Lucky Donut (20%), 1 Safety Charm (9%)

Other info[]

  • The ball has a 54% chance to go to the right and 46% to get to the left.
  • When launched, the ball have :
    • 59% chance to start on pin n°2
    • 23% chance to start on pin n°3
    • 18% chance to start on pin n°4

Golden Ball Shop[]

Everytime a ball falls into a portal you get golden balls ArcadeShop golden ball which can be spent on 6 permanent upgrades. The better the portal, the more golden balls you get.

Reward Class Golden Balls
Lame 1
Bronze 3
Silver 5
Gold 15
Elite 50
Divine 200
Jackpot ?

Golden Ball Upgrades[]

Name Bonus per level Max
ArcadeShop damage Damage +3% Damage +3000%
ArcadeShop kills Kills +0.5% Kills per Kill +150%
ArcadeShop cash Cash +5% Cash earned +4000%
ArcadeShop ascend Ascend +5% Bonus AP earned +2500%
ArcadeShop crops Crops +4% Tilling Crops +800%
ArcadeShop rebirth Rebirth +2 Base BP earned +x%

During some events there are other, temporary upgrades that have a chance to drop event cards when invested in. The rewards are guaranteed when these upgrades are maxed. At these times golden balls are reskinned as some other type of currency.

Name Bonus per level Max Event Drops
ArcadeShop statue Statue +1% Card Chance ArcadeShop event fall Fall Card Statue
ArcadeShop candy Candy +0.5% Card Chance ArcadeShop event fall Fall Card MinuteCandyCard GoldCandy

Poker Cards[]

Every 22h you can collect poker cards. Launch balls until one of them falls into a portal marked with Poker reverse. When it does, you receive one of the 52 poker cards at random. Collect 5 cards to receive Gems, the amount of which depends on the power of your hand.

Known hands:

Name Gems Description Examples
Trash 5 Any hand that is not one of the combinations below is Trash Poker green 2Poker blue 3Poker red 6Poker green JPoker yellow A
Pair 10 Two cards of the same kind Poker green APoker blue APoker yellow 2Poker red 7Poker red 9
Two Pair 40 Two sets of two cards of the same kind Poker green APoker blue APoker green KPoker blue KPoker red 2
Trips 80 Three cards of the same kind Poker green APoker blue APoker red APoker yellow 7Poker green 9
Straight 125 A series of cards that follow each other, but not of the same suit Poker green 4Poker blue 5Poker red 6Poker yellow 7Poker green 8
Flush 200 Five cards that are all of the same suit Poker blue 3Poker blue 4Poker blue 7Poker blue 9Poker blue K
Full House 400 A combination of Trips and Pair Poker green APoker blue APoker red APoker green KPoker blue K
Quads 800 Four cards of the same kind Poker green APoker blue APoker red APoker yellow APoker green 9
Straight Flush 2.000 A Straight, but the cards are all the same suit Poker yellow 4Poker yellow 5Poker yellow 6Poker yellow 7Poker yellow 8
Royal Flush 10.000 A Straight Flush from 10 to Ace Poker red 10Poker red JPoker red QPoker red KPoker red A


The King's Ransom reward might not reward the player with Gems, but instead rewarding the Bronze portal balls. This is either a bug, or a unannounced change to the game. [citation needed]
