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Spelunking Construction


The main part of the Construction screen is the four Domains, guarded by their respective Sentinels. When you present each Sentinel the treasure he asks for, he will allow you to build a variety of upgrades in his Domain. Pay the cost and assign Builders to build an upgrade and unlock new ones.

Yellow Domain[]

Sentinel yellowYou must present 5 T coin (Treasure no.1) to the Sentinel to unlock this Domain.

Upgrade Effect Prerequisite  Max Lvl
Builder Bros Builder bros +(1-9) Builders - 9
Sitty Chair Sitty chair +(2*lvl)% Spelunker Speed and gives Construction Exp per hour Builder Bros 100
Mining Mind Mining mind Every 20 Mining levels multiplies ore gain by 1+(.022*lvl) times Builder Bros 32
Machinery Machinery +(1-8) Machines Mining Mind 8
Spliney Shoe Spliney shoes +(10*lvl)% damage per luck lvl of all spiriting skillers Machinery 40
Hyper Bricks Hyper bricks Rifts get a 1.5X multiplicative bonus to its XP gain per brick Spliney Shoe 30
Foil Cards Foil cards Turn in a full set of 5 star cards to increase the max level of those cards to 6

[note: you lose the cards upon finishing the upgrade]

Machinery 10
Pink Printer Pink printer Lets you convert white souls to pink souls at a rate of X to 1 Foil Cards 5
Rift Pro Rift pro Adds an alternate bonus to a rift Pink Printer 5
Voyage Pact Voyage pact Grants access to Crusades 14 and 15 Rift Pro 1

Blue Domain[]

Sentinel blueYou must present 3 T music note (Treasure no.8) to the Sentinel to unlock this Domain.

Upgrade Effect Prerequisite  Max Lvl
Dirts Ahoy Dirts ahoy 5/10 new crops unlocked - 2
Iron Throne Iron throne construction +(2*lvl)% Construction Speed and gives Construction Exp per hour Dirts Ahoy 100
Bucketeers Bucketeers 6/12 new flowers unlocked Dirts Ahoy 2
Brew Laddy Brew laddy 3/6/9/12 new potions unlocked Bucketeers 4
Mach Speed Mach speed X% faster machine conversion rate Brew Laddy 20
Tink Time Tink time Gives a 3rd stat line to the first (1-10) items in the weapon, helmet, and shirt categories of tinkering items Mach Speed 10
Smithy Cert Smithy cert 2/4/6/8 new crafts unlocked Tink Time 4
Foil Bosses Foil bosses Turn in a full set of 5 star cards to increase the max level of those cards to 6

[note: you lose the cards upon finishing the upgrade]

Smithy Cert 8
Rift God Rift god Adds an alternate bonus to a rift Foil Bosses 4

Green Domain[]

Sentinel greenYou must present 8 T irish clover (Treasure no.15) to the Sentinel to unlock this Domain.

Upgrade Effect Prerequisite  Max Lvl
Ni Ni Shrubbery Ni ni shrubbery +(0.75*lvl)% Learning Speed and gives Construction Exp per hour Brew Man 100
Brew Man Brew man 3/6/9/12 new potions unlocked - 4
Big Boy Bags Big boy bags +(1-?) treasure per bag Brew Man 9
Croppy Notes Croppy notes 5/10 new crops unlocked Big Boy Bags 4
Plant Em All Plant em all 6/12 new flowers unlocked Croppy Notes 2
Hammer Time Hammer time construction 2/4/6/8 new crafts unlocked Plant Em All 4
Brew Maestro Brew maestro 3/6/9/12 new potions unlocked Hammer Time 4
Boostio Boostio Boosters now have a (3*lvl)% chance to apply a Y% higher boost [Note: Y scales with highest boost lvl] Hammer Time 20
Tinkolicious Tinkolicious Gives a 3rd stat line to the first (1-10) items in the pants, offhand, and pendant categories of tinkering items Boostio 10
BOGO Offer Bogo offer Applies a 35% cost reduction to potion brewing (lvl) times (multiplicative) Tinkolicious 25

Red Domain[]

Sentinel redYou must present 5 T blobbish (Treasure no.22) to the Sentinel to unlock this Domain.

Upgrade Effect Prerequisite  Max Lvl
Mama Mia Mama mia Every 20 Apothecary levels multiplies cauldron brew speed by 1.X times - 30
Chandelier Chandelier construction Gives Construction Exp per hour Mama Mia 100
Brew Bobby Brew bobby 3/6/9/12 new potions unlocked Mama Mia 4
Gattaca Gattaca

Permanently gives an additional gene toward your trekking combos. Total:

Genetic PerceptionGenetic SwiftnessGenetic LootGenetic EnthusiasmGenetic GenesisGenetic RespawnGenetic Abominable

Brew Bobby 7
Anotha One Anotha one +1/2/3 max boost slots for Tinkering equips Gattaca 3
Prosperity Prosperity Afterlife Minions make (lvl*0.15?) more Coins Anotha One 10
Kilowater Kilowater +X% Cash and Damage per H2O lvl above 1000 Prosperity 50
Repentance Repentance Randomly Get Away Time in Afterlife Based on Skulls lvl Kilowater 10
Juiced Up Juiced up +X% Ores, Fish, Crops and Flowers per H2O lvl above 1000 Repentance 50
Stoicism Stoicism +X% More Spirals when resetting in the Afterlife Juiced Up 10
Fury Fury Your minions do +1.01X more dmg per afterlife reached. (1.1X cap) Stoicism 10


Start with 1 Builder, unlocking additional ones with Builder Bros construction in Yellow Domain, up to 10. However, by purchasing Iodized Builders, not only can existing Builders be improved, but also new ones can be bought, omitting the construction.

The following is a list of ways to improve Builder speed:

  • Upgrading Builders
  • Iodized Builders (Gem Shop purchase)
  • Iron Throne (construction, Blue Domain)
  • Cards (several Spelunking cards (Candle, Geode), Bro of Some (Crusade 15), Vertigo (Oblivion))
  • Attack Speed Pro Rift (6th Pro Rift unlocked via construction)
  • Irradiated Builders (Gaxial smithing, only affects Iodized Builders)
  • Hammer Time (Spelunking, learning perk 14)

Finally, builders get a +2% build speed bonus per construction level (Iodized builders get 10%). Therefore, anything that provides a construction experience boost provides a second-hand boost to construction speed.


Machines are unlocked with Machinery construction in Yellow Domain, up to 8. Input a treasure and choose an output treasure to convert higher tier treasures into a lower tier. The ratio of conversion is 1:3 per tier, which means if you place 1 Ore Vein, you can get 3 Coins. If you place 1 Crown, you can get 3 Ore Veins or 9 Coins, etc. With Pink Printer construction you can also make Pink Souls from White Souls with a rate of conversion listed on the upgrade.

The following is a list of ways to improve the conversion speed of Machines:
