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Crypt is a special zone that is unlocked after unlocking the Bog, and it features 66 unique monsters. Each monster has a chance to drop gems, asylum keys, candy coupons or pachinko balls., making them an excellent source of cash for mid/late-game. However, none of these monsters drop Cards.

This zone may be accessed anytime for a duration of 60 seconds, but is locked afterwards and reopens after a one day cooldown period.

While none of the monsters deal any damage in this zone, after 60 seconds pass the screen will change to Singularity's screen. However, this sequence can be avoided if a different zone is entered before the time limit passes, but forfeits any remaining time left in the process.

The following table shows the base HP for each monster in the zone.

Image Name HP
Crypt 71 Rick 55.7M
Crypt 72 Mankey 5.12B
Crypt 73 Boin 550B
Crypt 74 Thought 65.9T
Crypt 75 Belief 8.4Q
Crypt 76 Putt Putt 1.1QQ
Crypt 77 Trip 148QQ
Crypt 78 Momic 20
Crypt 79 Relish 2749
Crypt 80 E 376250
Crypt 81 Unaccelerate 51.6M
Crypt 82 Perception 7.11B
Crypt 83 Realization 981B
Crypt 84 Babbo 135T
Crypt 85 Drank 18.8Q
Crypt 86 Pipsickle 2.62QQ
Crypt 87 Thingy 366QQ
Crypt 88 Party Hut 51
Crypt 89 Cry Stall 7208
Crypt 90 Frustration 1.01M
Crypt 91 Outrage 143M
Crypt 92 Splot 20.3B
Crypt 93 Laddies 2.88T
Crypt 94 Ez 411T
Crypt 95 Flower 58.9Q
Crypt 96 Squee 8.45QQ
Crypt 97 Tito Pool 1*
Crypt 98 Calmness 175*
Crypt 99 Stoicism 25450*
Crypt 00 Lick 3.69M*
Crypt 01 Chin 539M*
Crypt 02 Skolotin 78.8B*
Crypt 03 Skill 11.5T*
Crypt 04 Vengeance 1.7Q*
Crypt 05 Bloodshed 251Q*
Crypt 06 Clockity 37.2QQ*
Crypt 07 Ump 5**
Crypt 08 Mousterize 826**
Crypt 09 Wtf 123629**
Crypt 10 Dameon 18.5M**
Crypt 11 Wooble 2.79B**
Crypt 12 Illness 422B**
Crypt 13 Pestilence 63.9T**
Crypt 14 Pen Teller 9.72Q**
Crypt 15 Hip 1.48QQ**
Crypt 16 Moshrim 226QQ**
Crypt 17 Boogie 34***
Crypt 18 Recollection 5362***
Crypt 19 Evocation 828297***
Crypt 20 Tea Veal 128M***
Crypt 21 Jogger 19.9B***
Crypt 22 Tape Worn 3.11T***
Crypt 23 Blonky 486T***
Crypt 24 Peepo 76.4Q***
Crypt 25 Chitin 12QQ***
Crypt 26 Excitement 1****
Crypt 27 Delirium 300****
Crypt 28 Switz 47827****
Crypt 29 Bolby 7.62M****
Crypt 30 Pink Bunny 1.21B****
Crypt 31 Tim 195B****
Crypt 32 Loud 31.4T****
Crypt 33 Seal Strike 5.08Q****
Crypt 34 Sporky 822Q****
Crypt 35 Son 133QQ****
Crypt 36 Father 21*****
Crypt 37 Holy Spirit 1 3556*****