Idle Skilling Wiki
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The Dairy Aisle, found on the portal screen, can be accessed after reaching Oblivion. It hosts a selection of challenges, called orders, that offer a range of rewards once completed. The bottom row of orders are ice creams. These challenges must be completed in order and require you to rebirth and carry the ice cream back to Oblivion.

Carrying an ice cream will reduce your damage to

where n is the number of the ice cream, i.e. for Mint n=1, Strawby n=2 etc.

To begin an ice cream challenge, press accept and then rebirth.

The top row of orders are harder objectives that can be completed without accepting the order.

For the Ice Creams, you just need to reach the first boss in Oblivion, further is better, but the damage reduction really adds up after the 3rd ice cream where speed running is recommended.

DairyLava Orders Dairy Lava2[]

Mint Ice Cream:
Bring this Ice Cream back and you will get a big reward.
IceCream 1
Page Requirement Damage Reduced To Reward
2 You need to accept this order and rebirth for getting ice cream.

Reach Oblivion

Pet ID 39 can be hatched

Access to 2 cosmic potions

Access to 1 infinity perk

Strawby Ice Cream:
Bring this Ice Cream back and you will get a big reward.
IceCream 2
Page Requirement Damage Reduced To Reward
3 You must fulfill the previous order to unlock this one.

You need to accept this order and rebirth for getting ice cream. Reach Oblivion

Pet ID 40 can be hatched

Access to 2 cosmic potions

Access to 1 infinity perk

Rok Road Ice Cream:
Bring this Ice Cream back and you will get a big reward.
IceCream 3
Page Requirement Damage Reduced To Reward
4 You must fulfill the previous order to unlock this one.

You need to accept this order and rebirth for getting ice cream. Reach Oblivion

Pet ID 41 can be hatched

Access to 2 cosmic potions

Access to 1 infinity perk

Rainbow Ice Cream:
Bring this Ice Cream back and you will get a big reward.
IceCream 4
Page Requirement Damage Reduced To Reward
5 You must fulfill the previous order to unlock this one.

You need to accept this order and rebirth for getting ice cream. Reach Oblivion

Pet ID 42 can be hatched

Access to 2 cosmic potions

Access to 1 infinity perk

Chococo Ice Cream:
Bring this Ice Cream back and you will get a big reward.
IceCream 5
Page Requirement Damage Reduced To Reward
6 You must fulfill the previous order to unlock this one.

You need to accept this order and rebirth for getting ice cream. Reach Oblivion

Pet ID 43 can be hatched

Access to 1 cosmic potions

Access to 1 infinity perk

Blubbery Ice Cream:
Bring this Ice Cream back and you will get a big reward.
IceCream 6
Page Requirement Damage Reduced To Reward
7 You must fulfill the previous order to unlock this one.

You need to accept this order and rebirth for getting ice cream. Reach Oblivion

Pet ID 44 can be hatched

Access to 1 cosmic potions

Access to 1 infinity perk

Lava Ice Cream:
Bring this Ice Cream back and you will get a big reward.
IceCream 7
Page Requirement Damage Reduced To Reward
8 You must fulfill the previous order to unlock this one.

You need to accept this order and rebirth for getting ice cream. Reach Oblivion

Pet ID 45 can be hatched

Access to last cosmic potion

Access to last infinity perk

Perfectionist: DairyAisle Contract
Page Location Requirement Reward
9 Contracts icon in Limbo icon Get an SSSS++ Rank on all 36 contracts +10 Levels to certain contract shop upgrades
Perkinator: DairyAisle BP
Page Location Requirement Reward
10 Rebirth icon in Portal icon Upgrade all the rebirth perks to their max levels 2 Infinity rebirth perks: Tribalism at its Finest, Possessed Pets
Beastmaster: DairyAisle Pet
Page Location Requirement Reward
11 Hatchery Icon in Pets Icon Discover all 60 different pet species 3rd gene on all ground pets gives 2x for combos

(Currently bugged, 1st gene gives +1 for combos)

Doctorate: DairyAisle Tank
Page Location Requirement Reward
12 Research Icon in Pets Icon Level up all 135 tank bonuses to max level

(there's no max level, but minimal level 1000)

+15 Max MultiLvl Cap

+200% Tank Exp

2x RP Gains


The Last Required Monster To Kill to reach oblivion is Keymaster O with 21808 HP. If you Base Damage is bigger then
You can very easily take on the Nth Ice Cream, so long you have the sufficient Hit Chance to reach Oblivion normally. (More Accurate Numbers TBA)
