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Tilling Apothecary Botany

The Botany screen becomes available after reaching the Mountains in Fighting. Ascension does not reset or change any aspect in Botany, but Rebirthing resets all plants owned and Botany level.

!!! WARNING !!![]

If you have a Card Deck Link for Botany it will only function correct if you first navigate to Apothecary screen then Botany screen, otherwise you will have to apply the deck manually through the Cards screen by equipping a different deck then Botany deck!


Once a pot's growth bar is filled, it will reset and gain overgrowth effect which does the following:

  • Multiply growing time by 5 (can be reduced by cards to the minimum of 2.3x , at 120% card effect)
  • Multiply flowers gained by 2

It is possible to accumulate multiple overgrowth. The current overgrowth is written next to the growth bar.


Pots are the upgradeable tools used to grow and harvest plants used in Apothecary. The amount of herbs (Botany plant icon) and Botany EXP gained on harvest (Herbexp icon) is increased by upgrading a pot's Value. Also, the amount of time required to grow a plant (Time icon) is reduced by upgrading a pot's Speed. Lastly, the chance for the next plant seed to be harvested (Newseed icon) is increased by "Exotic Plant Chance" potions and allowing plants to be overgrown. Botany EXP is awarded only when plants are harvested.

One pot is available to start with, but up to 14 pots can be owned once prerequisite H2O levels are met and they're purchased with gold.

Unlock Req. Pot 1 Pot 2 Pot 3 Pot 4 Pot 5 Pot 6 Pot 7
Cost - 1500k 45m 1.1b 20.3b 379.7b 6.9t
H2O Level - 21 27 33 39 45 51
Unlock Req. Pot 8 Pot 9 Pot 10 Pot 11 Pot 12 Pot 13 Pot 14
Cost 239.3t 12.4q 899.6q 72.7qq 5 486 39534
H2O Level 57 63 69 75 81 87 93


While new plants can be unlocked at any time, the level required to grow plants in each pot varies for each pot.

Plant Requirements
Plant Base Growth Pot Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Weeds 250 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Berries 750 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Typha 2k 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Flowers 5k 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
Cactus 10k 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Palm tree
Palm Tree 25k 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41
Sapling 100k 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Weeplings 225k 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47
Saharan foal
Saharan Foal 500k 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Mint cane
Mint Cane 1m 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53
Crystals 2.5m 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
Candypop 5m 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59
Fyreling 25m 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62
Blood tree
Blood Tree 50m 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65
Mushroom ingredient
Mushroom 125m 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68
Flesh tree
Flesh Tree 300m 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71
Demonia 800m 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74
Cursed eye
Cursed Eye 1.5b 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77
Veninsulic 8b 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80
Lemming 15b 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83
Chlorine 29b 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86
Icecream 100b 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89
Belldrop 699b 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92
Sunburst 4.9t 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95

Darkmode Plants[]

The spelunking update (4.00) expanded the botany section by adding 24 new plants. These plants don't need any botany level to unlock them, but require related Constructions instead. These plants can be displayed by clicking on the black spot in the upper right corner.

Plant Requirements
Plant Base Growth Construction Plant Base Growth Construction
Baubles 40t
Bucketeers Lv. 1
Swissile 4.5qq
Plant em all
Plant Em All Lv.1
Fluxissa 80t
Spider tree
Spider Tree 15qq
Spillage 150t
Normal rook
Normal Rook 35qq
Alienbush 350t
Podacian 80qq
Tentacles 800t
Marsh mello
Marsh Mello 250qq
Eggsacks 1.5q
Snowlad 600qq
Shrapnil 9q
Bucketeers Lv. 2
Stem cells
Stem Cells 5
Plant em all
Plant Em All Lv. 2
Dabberdoo 35q
Dank vine
Dank Vine 30
Fourchese 85q
Candypop 199
Sapswing 200q
Emoticons 4k
Twisturn 650q
Camouflage 90k
Corale 2.5qq
Glassicle 5m

Botany Boosts[]

Pot Perks[]

Every pot has an individual rank that levels up as plants are harvested from them. As pots rank up, they also unlock perks that both affect itself and all pots in beneficial ways.

Pot Tier Rank Perk Bonus
Botany pot1
- - -
Botany pot2
+25% Speed Every Pot Level
Botany pot3
+50% EXP for All Pots
Botany pot4
+1% Speed Every Upgrade Level
Botany pot5
+10 Max Speed Upgrade Levels
Botany pot6
+30% Plant Gain for Every Pot
Botany pot7
- - -
Botany pot8
+30% Speed for All Pots

There is no cap on pot levels, but the amount EXP required for each pot is defined by the exponential formula:

  • previousCost * (15 - potID) / 3 + 50 * rankLevel + 100 * potID


Unique Botany cards can be earned when harvesting plants on the screen. Each plant has its own card and the drop chance improves with each overgrowth level (see this sheet), being nearly guaranteed at overgrowth level 14. However, card drop bonus does not influence botany card drop rates.

Botany Card List
Zone Name Bonus 1star 5star
C weeds Botany-1 Weeds Botany EXP Gain 8% 40%
C berries Botany-2 Berries Botany Growth Speed 3% 15%
C typha Botany-3 Typha Overgrowth Flower Bonus for Green Flowers 5% 25%
C flowers Botany-4 Flowers Overgrowth EXP Bonus for Green Flowers 7% 35%
C cactus Botany-5 Cactus Overgrowth Exotic Bonus for Green Flowers 4% 20%
C palm tree Botany-6 Palm Tree Overgrowth Flower Bonus for Green Flowers 6% 30%
C sapling Botany-7 Sapling Botany Growth Speed 5% 25%
C weeplings Botany-8 Weeplings Overgrowth EXP Bonus for Green Flowers 7% 35%
C saharn foal Botany-9 Saharn Foal Overgrowth Time Redux for All Flowers 5% 25%
C mint cane Botany-10 Mint Cane Overgrowth Flower Bonus for Blue Flowers 6% 30%
C crystals Botany-11 Crystals Overgrowth Bonus Bonus for Blue Flowers 4% 20%
C candypop Botany-12 Candypop Botany Speed Upgrades 2 10
C fyreling Botany-13 Fyreling Botany EXP Gain 15% 75%
C blood tree Botany-14 Blood Tree Overgrowth Flower Bonus for Red Flowers 7% 35%
C mushroom ingredient Botany-15 Mushroom Overgrowth Exotic Bonus for Red Flowers 6% 30%
C flesh tree Botany-16 Flesh Tree Botany Growth Speed 8% 40%
C demonia Botany-17 Demonia Botany Speed Upgrades 3 15
C cursed eye Botany-18 Cursed Eye Overgrowth Flower Bonus for Red Flowers 8% 40%
C veninsulic Botany-19 Veninsulic Botany EXP Gains 25% 125%
C lemming Botany-20 Lemming Overgrowth Exotic Bonus for Gold Flowers 6% 30%
C chlorine Botany-21 Chlorine Botany Speed Upgrades 4 20
C icecream Botany-22 Icecream Overgrowth Flower Bonus for Gold Flowers 8% 40%
C belldrop Botany-23 Belldrop Botany Growth Speed 12% 60%
C sunburst Botany-24 Sunburst Overgrowth Time Redux for All Flowers 12% 60%


Botany Potions List
Potion Per Level Bonus
Miracle grow
Miracle Grow 4% Botany Growth Speed
Flower power
Flower Power 5% Flowers Gained for All Botany Pots
Big farma
Big Farma 5% Botany EXP
Exotic yield
Exotic Yield 10% Exotic Flowers
Weed speed
Weed Speed 10% Botany Growth Speeds
Pot enabler
Pot Enabler 1 Max Upgradeable Flower Pot Speed Level (Bonus Increases by 1 Every 3 Levels)
Growgrow 15% Botany Plants Given
Hype jar
Hype Jar 30% Botany EXP Gained
Flower flow
Flower Flow 40% Botany Growth Speed
Exotic mix
Exotic Mix 40% Exotic Flowers
Plant vroom
Plant Vroom 50% Botany Plants Given
More fast
More Fast 1 Max Upgradeable Flower Pot Speed Level (Bonus Increases by 1 Every 2 Levels)
Peak plant
Peak Plant 100% Botany EXP
Salve labo
Salve Labo Enigmatic Booster from Smithing Boosts Botany Speed by 2% for Each Craft
Plant vroom2
Plant Vroom 3% Botany Growth Speed for Every Botany Level
Redemptsin Failing To Get a New Flower Increases New Flower Chance by X% (Only for Highest Plant)
O Cal Masty
O Cal Masty Bonuses of the Mastery Perks Shown Below Are Multiplied by X

Mastery fight 3Mastery collect 1Mastery collect 2Mastery collect 3Mastery collect 4Mastery collect 7

Gray Drank
Gray Drank Leveling Up Botany Has a X% Chance to Increase the Value and Speed LVL of All Pots
Badonkadonk +X% Ores Every 50 Balls Launched (powered up by Baba Donakka potion)
Certo Fizz
Certo Fizz

times X Flower Gain per Cert. Fish

Certification Req:
Show/Hide table
Fish Amount Fish Amount
Old shoe
Tin can
Blue shark
Small tuna
Yellow fin tuna
Pink swordfish
Medium yellow fish
Snail fish
Hammerhead shark
Red herring
Yellow gulper
Sword fish
Pike fish
Ice cube fish
Giant sea urchin
Puffer fish
Manta ray
Yellow grouper
Bobbit worm
Giant sea serpent
Dollar fish
Angler fish
Jumbo shrimp
Resoursake Ore. Fish. Botany. Potion. Crusade. and Limbo Card Bonuses are Increased to the Power of X
Baba Donakka
Baba Donakka Badonkadonk Potion Now Boosts More Things (Fish. Crops. Flowers. Brew Speed. Dmg)

Its Boost is Increased to the Power of X (caps at 2)

Zone Name Bonus 1star 5star 6star
C lava ooze Purgatory-10 Lava Ooze Botany Growth Speed 5% 25% 30%
C disciple h Purgatory-19 Disciple B Botany Speed Upgrades 5 25 30
9 - Lunadryl LunarIsle-9 Lunardyl Botany Speed Upgrades 6 30 36
15 - The Maw LunarIsle-15 The Maw Botany Growth Speed 6% 30% 36%
22 - Keymaster MS LunarIsle-22 Keymaster MS Overgrowth Time Redux 8% 40% 48%
C concubine Oblivion-14 Concubine Botany Growth Speed 15% 75% 90%
Card Emigdala-X Emigdala-3 Emigdala X Botany Growth Speed (passive) 15% 300% 810%
  • Perk tree perks:
    • Yellowperk3 +1 max pot speed lvl every 25 Tilling lvls (up to +50).
    • Yellowperk7 +15% multidrop chance to get an extra plant harvest (up to 750%).
    • Yellowperk8 +1% overgrowth flower bonus multiplier (up to 50%).
    • Yellowperk10 +10% overgrowth speed (up to 150%).
  • Rebirth perks:
    • BP BotanyLvls Herbal Legalization, +1 Botany starting levels after Rebirth (up to +50).
    • BP OverlvlSpeed Mystic Botany, +5% growing speed for each pot overlevel.
  • Mastery perks:
    • Mastery collect 4 flower gain (up to 172%).
  • Smithing crafts:
    • Tin pail tree Tin Pail Tree, Warped tier - up to +6,000% botany growth speed.
    • Cremation Jar Cremation Jar, Zaqqic tier - additional max lvls to Mystic Botany Rebirth perk. Levels over 200 also grant +5% flower gain per overlevel.
  • Tinkering gear:
    • Sword Sword, 10% flower pot EXP.
    • Stalagmitite Stalagmitite, 70% flowers gained per Botany lvl.
    • Crystal basher Crystal Basher, 70% new flower odds.
    • Demons head Demons Head, 150% flowers gained per Botany lvl.
    • Tribal tattoo Tribal Tattoo, 50% botany grow speed.
    • Seat belts Seat Belts, 25% flower pot EXP.
    • Parallax armor Parallax Armor, 37% new flower odds.
    • Martial pants Martial Pants, 22% new flower odds.
    • Radiated pants Radiated Pants, 40% botany grow speed.
    • Worm ruff Worm Ruff, 20% flowers gained per Botany lvl.
    • Cheist pearls Gheist Pearls, 35% botany grow speed.
  • Pet passives:
    • Pet Fireplop ID20 Fireplop, 20% botany speed per lvl.
    • Pet CornDog ID32 Corn Dog, 50% botany speed per lvl.
  • Research tanks:
    • Tank Green Green Tank 4, bonus 3 (botany grow speed).
    • Tank Purple Purple Tank 5, bonus 1 (bonus away time in Farming areas).
    • Tank Purple Purple Tank 5, bonus 2 (botany grow speed).
  • Contracts shop bonuses:
    • Shop 4 contract Shop 4, bonus 4 - grants 5% chance to get the next flower for every overgrowth level.
  • Gem Shop purchases:
    • Shop friendly mushrooms Friendly Mushrooms triple a pot's flower growth speed.