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Pets Hatchery Trekking Research

Breeding Pets[]

Hatchery Pet

A pet slime. Under the pet is its genetic (Health) and Level (1).

In the Hatchery, pets can be bred. Pets are used to fight in Trekking. A pets genetic (a square or circular icon underneath it) indicates its special ability in trekking. A pets level (underneath its genetic) indicates its damage and health in trekking.

Placing two pets into a nest starts a countdown timer to the creation of an egg. Hatching an egg will create a pet whose species (ID) is the same as one of its parents or a new species (highest parent ID+1).

Pets and eggs can be trashed to give egg shells that can used to upgrade nests.

When the egg timer finishes, a nest can also upgrade the rarity of an egg in the nest. Rarer eggs give rarer egg shells in addition to lower rarity egg shells. Rarer eggs also have a better chance of hatching new pets and higher leveled pets.


The hatchery starts off with only one nest available. More are unlocked as your hatchery level increases.

Nest 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hatchery Level 0 5 10 20 30 50

Nests can be upgraded using gold, egg shells and vessels from Trekking. Value increases the chance of creating a higher rarity of egg. Speed reduces the time it takes to hatch an egg. Size increases the maximum number of eggs it can hold.

Nests can also be upgraded to Golden Nests in the Gem Shop. This gives 4x hatching speed, 3x chance to create rarer eggs and 3x bonus to hatching new pets.

Hatcheries can be upgraded in 3 stats:

Value - Rarity of the egg including a chance to get a new Pet

Speed - How fast the hatchery generates a new egg

Size - How many eggs the hatchery can hold with a maximum of 6 eggs

Each upgrade type consumes Cash resources until half way, then takes Vessels and Egg Shell fragments until maxed out.


After all 3 above stats are maxed out, you can choose to prestige the nest to gain an additional 60 levels each stat (Value, Speed, Size). This buff stacks infinitely as you prestige each nest (e.g. 1 prestige = 60, 2 prestige = 120, 100 prestige = 6000 bonus levels).

Pet list[]

ID Name Genetic Passive Per Level Obtained from Pet Odds
Pet Poop
0 Poop
Genetic Health
Health Stinkyness 1% Pets Tutorial -
Pet Slime
1 Slime
Genetic Health
Health Pet Max HP 5% Pets Tutorial 35%
Pet Bear
2 Bear
Genetic FireFist
Fire Fist Fight Damage 10% Discovery 26%
Pet Frog
3 Frog
Genetic Swiftness
Swiftness Fish Caught 20% Discovery 20%
Pet Duck
4 Duck
Genetic Perception
Perception Perk Points Gained 8% Discovery 16%
Pet Bubbles
5 Bubbles
Genetic Health
Health Ap Gained 10% Discovery 10%
Pet Genie
6 Genie
Genetic Loot
Loot Ores Mined 25% Discovery 7%
Pet Sheep
7 Sheep
Genetic Healing
Healing Cash 20% Discovery 4%
Pet Seagull
8 Seagull
Genetic Perception
Perception Smith Exp Gained 10% Discovery 2.5%
Pet Panda
9 Panda
Genetic FireFist
Fire Fist Str Exp Gained 20% Discovery 1.5%
Pet Deer
10 Deer
Genetic Swiftness
Swiftness H2O Exp Gained 25% Discovery 1%
Pet DartFrog
11 Dart Frog
Genetic CurseSkull
Curse Skull Monster Kills 10% Discovery 0.7%
Pet Dog
12 Dog
Genetic Incubation
Incubation Pachi Balls 3% Discovery 0.5%
Pet Crow
13 Crow
Genetic LifeLeech
Life Leech Fight Damage 25% Discovery 0.3%
Pet Penguin
14 Penguin
Genetic Healing
Healing Tilling Crops 20% Discovery 0.2%
Pet Spirit
15 Spirit
Genetic Loot
Loot Rebirth BP 15% Discovery 0.12%
Pet Pencil
16 Pencil
Genetic Evasive
Evasive Ores Mined 40% Discovery 0.07%
Pet Eagle
17 Eagle
Genetic Boomerang
Boomerang Fish Caught 50% Discovery 0.04%
Pet Spore
18 Spore
Genetic Healing
Healing Fight Accurancy 15% Discovery 0.025
Pet Zebra
19 Zebra
Genetic Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm Brewing Speed 30% Discovery 0.012
Pet Fireplop
20 Fireplop
Genetic FireFist
Fire Fist Botany Speed 20% Discovery 0.006%
Pet Bitey
21 Bitey
Genetic LifeLeech
Life Leech Smith Exp Gained 20% Discovery 0.003%
Pet Spoon
22 Spoon
Genetic Discovery
Discovery Asylum Traces 15% Discovery 0.0017%
Pet PolarKing
23 Polar King
Genetic Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm +X Cauldron Speed Upgrade 4 Discovery 0.001%
Pet BullFrog
24 Bull Frog
Genetic Snipe
Snipe Monster Kills 20% Discovery 0.0007%
Pet Djinn
25 Djinn
Genetic Loot
Loot Cash 50% Discovery 0.0004%
Pet KingPing
26 KingPing
Genetic Defender
Defender Fight Damage 50% Discovery 0.00025%
Pet Shroom
27 Shroom
Genetic Radiation
Radiation Ores Mined 60% Discovery 0.00013%
Pet IceCream
28 Ice Cream
Genetic CurseSkull
Curse Skull Brew Speed 50% Discovery 0.00008%
Pet CrystalBird
29 Crystal Bird
Genetic Bubbler
Bubbler +X Cauldron Speed Upgrade 5 Discovery 0.00005%
Pet Parrot
30 Parrot
Genetic Incubation
Incubation +X Starting Skill Levels 2 Discovery 0.00003%
Pet Hyena
31 Hyena
Genetic Trekkey
Trekkery Tilling Crops 60% Discovery 0.000017%
Pet CornDog
32 Corn Dog
Genetic Genesis
Genesis Botany Speed 50% Discovery 0.00001%
Pet Camel
33 Camel
Genetic Bubbler
Bubbler Fight Accurancy 25% Discovery 7.0e-6%
Pet Vampire
34 Vampire
Genetic LifeLeech
Life Leech Str Exp Gained 100% Discovery 4.0e-6%
Pet Spagetti
35 Spagetti
Genetic Snapzi
Snapzi Perk Points Gained 15% Discovery 2.5e-6%
Pet Fungo
36 Fungo
Genetic Snipe
Snipe Asylum Traces 30% Discovery 1.6e-6%
Pet ChaosBeast
37 Chaos Beast
Genetic CurseSkull
Curse Skull H2O Exp Gained 150% Discovery 1.0e-6%
Pet PuppetBall
38 Puppet Ball
Genetic Swiftness
Swiftness Tilling Crops 100% Discovery 4.0e-7%
Pet MiniLava
39 Mini Lava
Genetic Genesis
Genesis Chain Level Chance 0.3% Discovery & Ice Cream 1 2.5e-7%
Pet Platypus
40 Platypus
Genetic SoulBound
SoulBound Pet Max HP 10% Discovery & Ice Cream 2 1.7e-7%
Pet Whisp
41 Whisp
Genetic Swiftness
Swiftness +X Starting Levels 6 Discovery & Ice Cream 3 5.0e-8%
Pet Hyduck
42 Hyduck
Genetic Snapzi
Snapzi Rebirth BP 60% Discovery & Ice Cream 4 1.0e-8%
Pet Plantz
43 Plantz
Genetic Snipe
Snipe +X Cauldron Speed Upgrade 15 Discovery & Ice Cream 5 1.0e-9%
Pet Highness
44 Highness
Genetic Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm Capsule Exp Rate 20% Discovery & Ice Cream 6 1.0e-10%
Pet Almighty
45 Almighty
Genetic Loot
Loot Pet Travel Speed 25% Discovery & Ice Cream 7 -
Pet King
46 King
Genetic Genesis
Genesis Pet Damage 10% Raid drop - Defiled King 1/150
Pet Entertainer
47 Entertainer
Genetic Trekkey
Trekkery Capsule Exp Rate 11% Raid drop - Headless Entertainer 1/175
Pet SentinelB
48 Sentinel B
Genetic Ionize
Ionize Lower Smith Cap 10% Raid drop - Two Faced Sentinel 1/200
Pet SentinelR
49 Sentinel R
Genetic RattlinGun
Rattling Gun Brew Speed 75% Raid/Aslyum drop - Any
Show/Hide table
Boss Chance
King 1/700
Entertainer 1/800
Sentinel 1/900
Demon 1/1000
Emigdala 1/444
Occulon 1/489
Scallax 1/662
Gorshank 1/667
Pet SentinelY
50 Sentinel Y
Genetic Incubation
Incubation +X Cauldron Speed Upgrade 11 Raid/Aslyum drop - Any
Show/Hide table
Boss Chance
King 1/2000
Entertainer 1/2200
Sentinel 1/2300
Demon 1/2500
Emigdala 1/1556
Occulon 1/1778
Scallax 1/2000
Gorshank 1/2222
Pet Demon
51 Demon
Genetic Respawn
Respawn Pet Max HP 18% Raid drop - Demonic Anathema 1/220
Pet Emigdala
52 Emigdala
Genetic RattlinGun
Rattling Gun Capsule Exp Rate 15% Asylum drop - Emigdala 1/108
Pet Occulon
53 Occulon
Genetic ZeusBolt
Zeus Bolt Pachi Balls 12% Asylum drop - Occulon 1/146
Pet Scallax
54 Scallax
Genetic Ionize
Ionize Pet Damage 25% Asylum drop - Scallius 1/182
Pet Gorshank
55 Gorshank
Genetic Abdominable
Abominable Pet Travel Speed 30% Asylum drop - Gorshank 1/211
Golden boy
56 Golden Boy
Genetic Loot
Loot Cash 80% Tunnels - Secret -
Pet BasketBall
57 Basketball
Genetic Snapzi
Snapzi Hoop Gem Cap 8 Hoops Minigame - 66 points, 3 trials combined -
Pet Bob
58 Bob
Genetic Loot
Loot Crypt Loot 10% Purple research tank 'Our Best Friend' first perk - Lvl 535, Bob perfume level 1 -
Pet PoopyG
59 Poopy G
Genetic Loot
Boomerang Pachi Balls 1% Hatchery Level - 150 -


Genes on pets are used to help your team progress in Trekking.

Circular genes are Attack Moves. These are abilities that either attack the enemy, heal your team or both! Pets with these gene must be in fighter slots (bottom row) to be used. However they can still count towards combos when in support slots.

Square genes are Team Buffs. These can buff various team stats such as health or critical chance.

Having 3, 6 or 9 total of a gene gives an additonal bonus to your team.

A pet can have up to 3 genes. A chance to breed pets with 2 and 3 genes are unlocked at Hatchery levels 20 and 40 respectively. The chance to get multiple genes increases with Hatchery levels.

Please notice that some combos are bugged and may not work.These will be fixed (hopefully) soon

Genes list[]

Trekking 01
Genetic Name Type Passive  Combo of 3  Combo of 6  Combo of 9 
Genetic FireFist
Fire Fist Attack Move Deals 150% Damage

Fire Rate: Medium(6)

Fire Fist Deal 250% Damage Instead Of 150% Damage Fire Fist Deal 350% Damage Instead Of 150% Damage Fire Fist Deal 550% Damage Instead Of 150% Damage
Genetic CurseSkull
Curse Skull Attack Move Adds Stacking +10% Damage Boost to All Damage

Fire Rate : Fast(7)

All Attacks Have a 15% Chance of Applying a 10% Curse All Attacks Have a 30% Chance of Applying a 10% Curse All Attacks Have a 45% Chance of Applying a 10% Curse
Genetic Healing
Healing Attack Move Heals 5% of Total HP

Fire Rate: Slow(3)

Heals For 7% HP Instead of 5% But Only When HP is Below 50% Heals for 9% HP instead of 5% But Only When HP is Below 50% Heals for 11% HP instead of 5% But Only When HP is Below 50%
Genetic Boomerang
Boomerang Attack Move Deals 150% Damage With 33% Chance to Bounce

Fire Rate: Medium(5)

Boomerang Have 40% Bounce Chance and Bounces Multiply Damage By 1.33x Boomerang Have 47% Bounce Chance and Bounces Multiply Damage By 1.66x Boomerang Have 54% Bounce Chance and Bounces Multiply Damage By 2x
Genetic LifeLeech
Life Leech Attack Move 200% Damage and Heals Team Based On % Damage Done

Fire Rate: Medium(4)

Lifesteal Deals +3% More Damage for Every 1% of Pet HP Missing Lifesteal Deals +6% More Damage for Every 1% of Pet HP Missing Lifesteal Deals +9% More Damage for Every 1% of Pet HP Missing
Genetic Bubbler
Bubbler Attack Move Deals 200% Damage For Every Second it travels

Fire Rate: Slow(3)

Buuble Moves 20% Slower and Gains +50% More Damage Per Second Buuble Moves 40% Slower and Gains +100% More Damage Per Second Buuble Moves 60% Slower and Gains +200% More Damage Per Second
Genetic Snipe
Snipe Attack Move 1200% Damage With a 50% miss Chance

Fire Rate: Slower(2)

2000% Damage With a 40% Miss Chance

Fire Rate: Slower(2)

2800% Damage With a 30% Miss chance

Fire Rate: Slower(2)

4400% Damage With a 20% Miss chance

Fire Rate: Slower(2)

Genetic Radiation
Radiation Attack Move Gives 2x Damage to The Next Attack That Hits

Fire Rate: Medium(5)

Radiation Bonus Has a 25% Chance to Not Got Away Radiation Bonus Has a 50% Chance to Not Got Away Radiation Bonus Has a 75% Chance to Not Got Away
Genetic RattlinGun
Rattlin Gun Attack Move 25% Damage +2% For Each Consecutive Bone Attack

Fire Rate: Faster(10)

Each Bone Attack Gives +3% Damage to All Bone Attacks Each Bone Attack Gives +4% Damage to All Bone Attacks Each Bone Attack Gives +5% Damage to All Bone Attacks
Genetic ZeusBolt
Zeus Bolt Attack Move 250% Damage With 2x Crit Chance and 3x Crit Damage

Fire Rate: Fast(8)

Bolts Do 300% Damage With 4x Crit Damage Bolts Do 350% Damage With 5x Crit Damage Bolts Do 450% Damage With 7x Crit Damage
Genetic Health
Health Team Buff +25% Max HP +75% Max Pet Healthand  All Healing is +10% Better +150% Max Pet Healthand  All Healing is +20% Better 300% Max Pet Healthand  All Healing is +30% Better
Genetic Perception
Perception Team Buff +5% Critical Chance +10% Critical Chance and +15%Critical Damage +20% Critical Chance and +30%Critical Damage +30% Critical Chance and +60%Critical Damage
Genetic Swiftness
Swiftness Team Buff +15% Distance Travelled When A Monster Killed Travel 2x as Far For Each Monster Kill Travel 3x as Far For Each Monster Kill Travel 5x as Far For Each Monster Kill
Genetic Incubation
Incubation Personal Buff +40% Hatching Speed For The Nest This Pet Is In Base Distance Travel is 2m Base Distance Travel is 4m Base Distance Travel is 5m
Genetic Loot
Loot Team Buff +25% Vessel Gained Loot Genetics Give a +50% Bonus Instead of a +25% Bonus Loot Genetics Give a +75%  Bonus Instead of a +25% Bonus Loot Genetics Give a +125%  Bonus Instead of a +25% Bonus
Genetic Evasive
Evasive Team Buff +5% Chance to Completely Avoid Incoming Damage Each Evasion Of Damage Gives A +10% Damage Bonus To All Attacks Each Evasion of Damage Gives a 20% Damage Bonus to All Attacks Each Evasion of Damage Gives a 30% Damage Bonus to All Attacks
Genetic Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm Team Buff +5% Attack Speed

+10% All Damage

+10% Attack Speed

+15% All Damage

+20% Attack Speed

+30% All Damage

+30% Attack Speed

+45% All Damage

Genetic Discovery
Discovery Personal Buff 1.25x New Pet Odds for The Nest This Pet is in 1.5x Vessels Gain 2x Vessels Gain 2.5x Vessels Gain
Genetic Defender
Defender Team Buff +5% of All Incoming Damage Ignored Monsters Deal 25% Less Damage Than Normal Monsters Deal 50% Less Damage Than Normal Monsters Deal 75% Less Damage Than Normal
Genetic Trekkey
Trekkery Team Buff +20% Trekking Exp Gained +1% Pet Travel Speed and +1% Exp Gain Per Trekking Level +2% Pet Travel Speed and +2% Exp Gain Per Trekking Level +3% Pet Travel Speed and +3% Exp Gain Per Trekking Level
Genetic Snapzi
Snapzi Team Buff +25% Critical Damage Snapzi Genetics Give +50% Crit Damage instead of +25% Snapzi Genetics Give +75% Crit Damage instead of +25% Snapzi Genetics Give +125% Crit Damage instead of +25%
Genetic Genesis
Genesis Team Buff +5% Chance to Cast 2 Attack Instead of 1 2nd Attack Has 1.5x Damage 2nd Attack Has 2x Damage 2nd Attack Has 2.5x Damage
Genetic SoulBound

(Not wrong but more info bellow)

Team Buff This Genetic Has No Bonus Other Than Its Combos Double Middle Genetic for Fighters Double Left Genetic for Fighters Double Right Genetic for Fighters
Genetic Ionize

(Codex is wrong see bellow)

All Capsules Extra Pet Exp Gain When Stored in a Capsule:

Middle:+50% Left: +30%

Right: +20%

2x Capsule Exp

2x Tank Exp

3x Capsule Exp

3x Tank Exp

4x Capsule Exp

4x Tank Exp

Genetic Respawn
Respawn Team Buff Monster Respawn +25% Faster 2x Away Gains For Trekking 3x Away Gains For Trekking 4x Away Gains For Trekking
Genetic Abdominable
Abominable Team Buff +50% Damage

+4% Crit Chance
+20% HP
+25% Travel Speed

Doubles All Pet Damage Triples All Pet Damage Quadrouples All Pet DamageSoul

* Soulbound 3/6/9 doubles 3-middle / 6-middle+left / 9-all 3 Note: for only fighters not supporters.

** Ionize genetics in combat 3/6/9 give 2x/3x/4x Trekking exp AND also Ionize genetics on pets that are placed in capsules will receive the passive bonus stated.
