The User Rules and Guidelines of the wiki are as follows:
- Be bold: If you find something that can be improved, improve it and encourage others to do the same.
- Be polite: It's not only important what you say but also how you say it. Be civil when talking to other people and treat them with respect. This site is built on cooperation. Comments or content that is disrespectful or inciteful will be deleted and are grounds for blocking.
- Assume good faith: Do your best to assume that other editors are trying to help unless you have evidence to the contrary. Accidents happen, and not everybody has significant experience editing a wiki.
- Vandalism: Simply put, do not mess pages up on purpose. Blanking articles or sections, replacing content with nonsense or intentionally adding inaccurate information to articles is considered vandalism.
- Plagiarism: Do not copy the content of other sites and authors. If a site allows use of its content, reference it appropriately.
- Article talk pages: Article talk pages are for the discussion of their respective topic and not for general conversation. Use Discussion Boards for the latter. Posts that do not pertain to discussion of an article itself may be deleted.
Inter-User Conduct[]
- Comments of others: Editing or removing other user remarks on talk pages is not allowed.
- Sign comments: Add four tildes (~~~~) to the end of all of comments on talk and forum pages. Do not sign mainspace/articles.
- User conflicts: If there is a user conflict and it is disrupting the wiki, it must be brought to the attention of an administrator or bureaucrat. If an administrator or bureaucrat is involved in the conflict, bring it to the attention of another bureaucrat or reach out to Fandom.
- Edit warring: Be ready to discuss changes with others. If in disagreement with another editor, discuss the issue either on user or article talk pages. Repeatedly reverting each other's changes ("edit warring") is bound to escalate the conflict instead of solving it. If a consensus cannot be reached, ask an uninvolved user to mediate. Consensus does not have to be reached in cases of disruptive editing.
User pages[]
- User pages/sandboxes: Pages in the "User" namespace are the property of the user they belong to. Users may edit their own as they see fit, so long as the content does not break current conduct. No other users are allowed to edit user pages of another without permission.
Use of multiple accounts[]
- Using multiple accounts on the wiki is not against our policies or guidelines; however we do insist that any secondary accounts should be identified by placing a link to the primary user's profile. Where this is not obvious in the username itself it should be identified by placing a link to the secondary account on the user's profile page.
- Bureaucrats may consider requests to have an additional or replacement account.
- Bans from one account generally carry over to other accounts, and other accounts should not be used to avoid a (non self requested) ban on another account.
- Use of multiple accounts to evade site blocks will result in immediate administrative action.
Editors whose contributions are disruptive to the site or who fail to behave appropriately towards other contributors may be blocked. The following are guidelines for general cases. Blocks and their duration are at the discretion of the Idle Skilling Staff. A non-exhaustive list of reasons and suggested durations follow below.
Reason | Duration |