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Crafting Mining Smithing Fishing

The mining skill is used to gather ores which can be used in the smithing skill. Like the trainers you start of with 1 miner and up to 5 more can be bought once the required H20 level has been reached. Each miner can mine 1 type of ore at a time, you unlock new types of ore by leveling up the mining skill. The first miner unlocks a new ore type every 5 levels, all the other miners unlock them at increasingly higher mining levels. There are currently 16 different ores. The miners can be upgraded in value and speed like the skillers, with value increasing nr. of ores and experience and speed increasing the repetitions per minute. Max mining speed for each miner appears to be approximately 303.6 at which point only boosts will make it faster. The final speed upgrade for miner #6 is approximately 61M



There are six available miners, each able to be trained every 6 H2O levels and cost gold to be hired.

Miner 1 Miner 2 Miner 3 Miner 4 Miner 5 Miner 6
H2O Required 1 6 12 18 24 30
Gold Cost 0 2500 50000 750K 10M 125M


Every miner can gather a new type of ore every 5 levels but the starting level is offset by 2 between each miner.

Ores Mining Level Required
Miner 1 Miner 2 Miner 3 Miner 4 Miner 5 Miner 6
Copper 1 1 1 1 1 1
Iron 5 7 9 11 13 15
Gold 10 12 14 16 18 20
Platinum 15 17 19 21 23 25
Cobalt 20 22 24 26 28 30
Firesalt 25 27 29 31 33 35
Effluvium 30 32 34 36 38 40
Antimatter 35 37 39 41 43 45
Ruby 40 42 44 46 48 50
Refractium 45 47 49 51 53 55
Dubloonium 50 52 54 56 58 60
Glume 55 57 59 61 63 65
Plument 60 62 64 66 68 70
Figmentation 65 67 69 71 73 75
Demonite 70 72 74 76 78 80
Godshard 75 77 79 81 83 85
Warpium 87 89 91 93 95 97
Anodizia 99 101 103 105 107 109
Gummi 111 113 115 117 119 121
Djinn 123 125 127 129 131 133

Mining Boosts[]

Mining Kits[]

Each miner can be equipped with a mining kit that boosts their ore output. Only one kit can be equipped per miner, thus making it unnecessary to craft more than six at a time. If more than one tier of mining kits are crafted, only the highest tier bonus will be used; mining kit bonuses do not stack on each other.

Name Bonus Given Source
Void mining kit Void Mining Kit +25% Ores Mined Level 30 Smithing
Dubaroo kit Dubaroo Kit +50% Ores Mined Level 50 Smithing
Manifestation kit Manifestation Kit +75% Ores Mined Level 60 Smithing
Overlord Kit Overlord Mining Kit +100% Ores Mined, +100% Speed Gem Shop


Crystals can be inserted into crystal slots on each mining vein for bonuses. Both crystals and first crystal slots are unlocked through the Rebirth screen after clearing the Dungeon. Additional crystals, as well as the second and third crystal slots can be purchased through the Gem Shop.

Crystal Color Bonus
Yellow gem
Yellow Crystal +50% EXP
Red gem
Red Crystal +30% Speed
Purple gem
Purple Crystal +40% Ores
Blue gem
Blue Crystal +30% 2x Ores
Green gem
Green Crystal +100% EXP, +150% Ores, +40% 2x Ores
Orange gem
Orange Crystal +20% Bonus to All Crystals on Screen
Pink gem
Pink Crystal +200% EXP to Slot and Adjacent Slots
Black gem
Black Crystal +200% Ores to Slot and Adjacent Slots

Mining Levels[]

  • 4 Cards grant "+% mining EXP chance" up to 280% total: Grasslands Rogue Rock (2%-40%), Desert Mappy (3%-60%), Mountains Cold Slime (4%-80%), Mist Edgy Rock (5%-100%).
  • 5 Cards grant "+% mining EXP gained" up to 520% total: Desert Sand Jelly (3%-60%), Mountains Ice Rock (4%-120%) and Twostrip (4%-80%), Mist Glitch (5%-100%), and Crusades Desert Spike O Nut (8%-160%).
  • Level 40 Summoning Mining Rift grants 20% + 5% per level offline and away EXP gained.
  • Gift shop painting in Raids increases starting level and reduces EXP required to level.
  • The Skill Max Ascension perk grants +1 level to Mining per purchase.

Ore Amount Mined[]

  • Two Red Perks grant +10% double ore chance per level (up to 100%) and +1% ore per mining level (up to 10%).
  • 7 Cards grant "+% ores from mining" up to 1420% total: Grasslands Keymaster Y (4%-60%), Desert Spade (5%-100%), Mountains Cryic Relic (7%-140%), Mists Totem Goop (9%-180%), Dungeon Chaineran (12%-240%), Christmas Event Coalbuddy (5%-100%), and Crusades Mist Heavy Miner (30%-600%).
  • Level 40 Summoning Mining Rift grants 20% + 5% per level offline and away ores gained.
  • From Tinkering, level 12 Rock Garb gives +30% ores mined, level 47 Evil Scales gives +60% ores mined, and level 16 Studded Shield gives +25% ores mined.
  • The Copper Hoarder Ascension perk gives +0.5% ore per level for every multiple of 10 copper owned.
  • Overlord Mining Kits from the Gem Shop boost a miner's speed and ore mined by +100%, one for each miner.