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Accessed after reaching Purgatory. The player has to fight an endless gauntlet of Bosses through summoning Minions, and managing a varying amount of currencies.


It should be kept in mind that these warnings won't ever happen accidentally. They are all end-game issues that should be known about for when they actually might become a problem. When playing normally, these situations should take weeks to months to appear. As always, be careful and pay attention!

BE WARY OF COST REDUCTION! IT LEADS TO DAMAGE REDUCTION! - Minion Coin generation is based on level up cost. Therefore, all forms of cost reduction impact the damage Minions do (more cost reduction equals less damage dealt!). This becomes especially apparent once you get past Stage 100. If you get to a point where you struggle with damage this is most likely the cause. But even so, be careful having cost reduction Minions and blessings as it might force you to reset earlier than planned.

BE WARY OF REALM LEVEL! IT MAY LEAD TO DEALING 0 PURPLE DAMAGE! - Purple Boss health is calculated based on Realm EXP. Therefore, if you banish a NaN cost Minion, you will overflow Realm EXP. This becomes especially apparent once you go past Realm Lv400, since the overflow happens at e123 Realm EXP. Once you reach that Realm level, take notice of how much Realm EXP you're getting from banishes. Make sure to not take Intellingo F Realm blessing anymore, and don't have any extra Horn Hippo Horn Hippo (Riftseeker trait).

BE WARY OF MINIONS' ATTACK SPEED! IT LEADS TO LAG! - This is commonly caused by having too much attack speed. This becomes especially apparent once you get past Stage 100. If you really want to have attack speed on your composition, it is better to have it on Minions instead of blessings as you can banish your Minions when the lag becomes unbearable.

  • One way to diminish the lag is to deplete the Purple health bar, then the Blue health bar, and then go back to the Gym, close the game, and then re-enter Realm. The game will still be laggy, but it should be fluid enough to be playable until you push to the next Boss.

BE WARY OF OVERFLOWING RESOURCES OUTSIDE OF Realm! IT MAY LEAD TO BLOCKING YOUR CORNUCOPIA! - Buying a reroll or new fruit at Cornucopia which costs e308 Food bundles will overflow your Food bundles, making them negative. Therefore you won't ever be able to buy rerolls or fruits again. This is only possible by overflowing a resource outside Realm with infinite cash and turning them in at Cornucopia and then buying rerolls until it costs more than e308 (the cost resets daily so this could be easily avoided; nonetheless, take notice of how much Food bundles cost just in case).


The following guidelines are meant to be viewed as tools to effectively make your way around Realm. Only the most important things will be mentioned. Don't be afraid to deviate outside of what has been written and explore on your own! This was written asuming you don't have any outside-Realm upgrade, and you are playing without paying.

Keep in mind early Realm is very away-intensive. There will be massive amounts of idling in between progress sesions. Whenever you feel you aren't generating enough Coins or not dealing enough damage, just leave Realm and come back after a while to push a little bit further. Later on Realm will flip on itself and become very active.

Stage 1-15[]

Early game is really rough. As mentioned before, there will be moments in which you will have to idle for a few hours before coming back and being able to upgrade your Minions or do new stuff. Also, there will be moments in which you will need an overnight idle to be able to progress further. This whole section should take about 3-4 days.

To start your Realm journey, tap the Boss to earn your first coins and summon 3 Little PiggysLittle Piggy. They will be your main Red Damage and Coin source. Level them up and mutate them into HipposHippo (Lv10). The goal is to eventually mutate one of them much later on into a Horn HippoHorn Hippo (Lv50), since it will increase your Realm EXP per banish.

Once the Realm Lv2 quest pops up, banish one HippoHippo (Lv10). This should grant you Realm Lv2. Get another Hippo, and don't banish any more Minions for now. Realm Lv doesn't provide much benefit beyond being able to summon new Minion types and Realm Lv-based traits, but they are too expensive and not useful yet.

Remember you only have 6 banish per 24 hours, so try to not banish before getting one Horn HippoHorn Hippo (unless told to do so, like before). You should always aim to banish the highest leveled Minion available, as Realm EXP is scaled off Coins spent.

Realm build - Stage 1

Minion composition by Stage 1

Vending Machine unlocked[]

Once you beat Stage 3, the Vending Machine will be available on the left side. Its currency are Coins, the same you get from Piggys! At this point in the game, only Wheat Chew VendingItem0 (more Barn slots for more Minions) is useful for Realm progression. Much later, Choccy Coin VendingItem3 (more Coins per afterlife reached) will be the most important upgrade.

Whenever you upgrade Wheat Chew VendingItem0 at the Vending Machine and get a new Barn slot, summon Little PiggysLittle Piggy and mutate them into HipposHippo. Afterwards level them up evenly, as this early in Realm their upgrade cost will outpace their Coin production by a lot.

Since you reached Realm Lv2, summon one Pet Rock Pet Rock. They will be your main source of Orange Damage and Realm EXP. Level it up and mutate it into Mountain Mountain (Lv10) for Orange Damage (required at Stage 5). The goal is to eventually mutate it much later on into a Volcano Volcano (Lv50) for Coin gain increase. Subsequent Pet Rocks should follow the same mutation path.

Realm build - Stage 5 end

Minion composition by the end of Stage 5

Cornucopia unlocked[]

Once you beat Stage 7, the Cornucopia will be available on the right side. Its currency are Food bundles, which are obtained by exchanging all of one type of resource from outside Realm. The Flowers from Botany trade is the most cost-efficient later on. If you can easily afford all the slots and a few fruit and stats reroll, aim for Avocados (more Spirals on reset - will be useful soon enough) on slot 1 and 2, Bluenanas (more Energy per hour) on slot 3 to 6, and Kiwi (more Fruit effect) on slot 7. If you can't afford this yet, don't worry too much about it, early on the bonuses aren't that good.

Realm build - Stage 7 end

Minion composition by the end of Stage 7

Once you reach Stage 10 you need to deal Yellow Damage. This is done by acquiring a Lil Chicken Lil Chicken (Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken). Any Minion that does a critical hit will also deal Yellow damage. This means that Realm Lv10 is required to progress further.

To achieve Realm Lv10 (7.500-ish Realm EXP), you will need to banish around 9 Mountains Mountain (Lv29). Afterwards, summon a Babby Egg Babby Egg. They will be your main source of Yellow Damage, Energy source (Blue Damage) and Coin gain increase. Level it up and mutate it into a Lil Chicken Lil Chicken (Lv10).

Realm build - Stage 10 end

Minion composition by the end of Stage 10

From this point onwards, whenever you upgrade Wheat Chew VendingItem0 at the Vending Machine and get a new Barn slot, summon Babby Eggs Babby Egg and mutate them into Lizards Lizard (Lv10). The base Coin production from the Hippos is good enough already, so now you need to work on the Energy production. Lizards will generate Energy every minute, while also increasing the Coin gain from Hippos.

Orb Tower unlocked[]

Once you beat Stage 11, the Orb Tower will be available on the right side. Its currency is Energy, which is generated by Lizards Lizard (mentioned before). After using the laser to deplete the Blue health bar every time its needed, focus on increasing the Energy cap until you have 120 maximum Energy. This way you will be able to store as much Energy as possible for later rerolling the Orb Tower's Trait until you get Riftseeker Trait22 (Realm EXP increase per banish). This will give Horn Hippo'sHorn Hippo exclusive trait to every Minion you own. Keep this trait in the Orb Tower until you reach Realm Lv20. If you can't get it, the other good option early game is Clenched Fist Trait11 (Increases base damage by +2500), which will help with early game damage.

Once all your Hippos reach level 40, focus on leveling only one to level 50 and mutate it into a Horn HippoHorn Hippo, and then level the Mountain to level 50 and mutate it to a Volcano Volcano . This should help on getting every other Hippo to level 50 and ventually mutate them into Beeg Hippos Beeg Hippo, and also on getting new Barn slots for more Lizards.

Realm build - Stage 13 end

Minion composition by the end of Stage 13

Realm build - Stage 15 end

Minion composition by the end of Stage 15

Stage 16-24[]

Here is when Realm starts to pick up in active play. This whole section should also take about 3-4 days, with more active play.

Once you beat Stage 16, the Shrine will be available on the left side. Its currency are Spirals, which are obtained after every Realm reset, in which you lose all your Coins and Minions, but keep all the building upgrades (don't worry, every reset will be quicker than the one before). Shrine gives access to two new mechanics: Blessings (stats boosts per boss killed, get wiped at every reset), and Upgrades (permanent boosts to different stats, bought with Spirals).

Shrine Blessings to look for[]

Since Shrine is unlocked, you will get to choose 3 random blessings every time you defeat a Boss. You only have 10 different to pick at the start, and the only good options before your first reset are Penny Thought C Afterlife (+10% Coin gain), Barno P Realm (+1 Barn slot) and Intellingo F Realm (+10% extra banish EXP).

Dharma upgrade is cheap and should be leveled up quickly. Every level unlocks a new blessing. Here is a list of the most important blessings. As you can see, 7 levels are primordial to speed up the resetting process thanks to Enlightenment Q Realm, and should be bought before the third reset.

  • at level 2 it unlocks Nickel back L Realm (+2% Cashback on all purchases);
  • at level 7 it unlocks Enlightenment Q Realm (+15% Enlightenment Spirals when resetting);
  • at level 8 it unlocks Dime Decisive R Afterlife (+25% coins from all sources);
  • at level 10 it unlocks Vendorama T Realm (-5% Vending Machine costs);
  • at level 13 it unlocks Superblesser W Realm (1.1x higher bonus from all +% blessings);
  • at level 15 it unlocks Retrigger Y Realm (+10% chance to retrigger away time after arrival);
  • at level 16 it unlocks Banked Bygone Z Realm (+50% coins from all sources);
  • at level 17 it unlocks One For All A Realm (Instantly get +1 of every type of blessing you have).

Shrine Upgrades goal[]

Shrine also unlocks its upgrades. Early on, we care about these four with the following priority. Keep in mind they should be leveled somewhat equally, since they all provide a great boost to progression.

  1. Bhakti: a lot of extra damage! This will make getting back to Stage 16 take just a few hours instead of days, and help progress even further. First time you reset spend all the Spirals on this. Whenever it gets too expensive to afford, leftover Spirals should be spent on the next three upgrades.
  2. Dharma: unlocks better Blessings. Level 7 and 8 should be rushed (detailed below).
  3. Sahaja: huge boost to Coin production
  4. Carnate: more cheap Barn slots!

This will be your Shrine Upgrades goal for this Stage of Realm progression.

  1. Bhakti: around Lv30 to Lv40
  2. Dharma: Lv8
  3. Sahaja: Lv10
  4. Carnate: around Lv10

Reset loop[]

If you have enough damage to continue another Stage, do so. Otherwise reset right away at Stage 17. As previously mentioned, spend all your Spirals on Bhakti upgrade, and leftover Spirals should be spent on Dharma, Sahaja and Carnate.

At this point in progression, it is advised to start a Reset loop: level up the Shrine's Upgrades, try to push only one Stage further than your best, Reset and repeat. Whenever you reach a Stage in which it would take more than 2 hours to beat, reset and spend your Spirals as previously mentioned. Minion composition for each reset should be the same as by the end of Stage 15, refreshed on the table below. Keep doing this Reset loop until you reach the Shrine Upgrades goal, at which point you should be good to stop resetting and push comfortably towards Stage 23.

Reset loop composition
Amount Minion Level Mutation path
1 Horn Hippo Lv50 Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo
5 Beeg Hippo leveled evenly, as high as possible Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Beeg Hippo
1 Volcano leveled as high as possible Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Volcano
1 Lil Chicken Lv10 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken
Remaining slots Lizard Lv10 Babby Egg -> Lizard

This is a good moment to achieve Realm Lv20 (8.000.000-ish Realm EXP), for which you will need to banish around 2 Beeg Hippos Beeg Hippo (Lv65) with Riftseeker Trait22 on the Orb Tower. Once you achieve it, summon a few Ogre Spawns Ogre Spawn. They will be your main source of Flowers and support traits. Evolve them into Gobbos Gobbo (Lv10). The goal is to eventually mutate them into Lizardmen Lizardman (Lv50) for blessing boost (this Minion will eventually fill your entire Barn after your main team).

If you are still in the Reset loop at this point, Minion composition for each reset should change a bit, detailed on the table below.

Reset loop composition - after Realm Lv20
Amount Minion Level Mutation path
1 Horn Hippo Lv50 Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo
1 Beeg Hippo leveled as high as possible Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Beeg Hippo
1 Volcano leveled as high as possible Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Volcano
1 Lil Chicken Lv10 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken
12 Lizard Lv10 Babby Egg -> Lizard
Remaining slots Gobbo Lv10 Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo

Once you are getting closer to the Shrine Upgrades goal previously mentioned, Minion composition for each reset will change a bit, detailed on the table below.

Reset loop composition - about to reach Shrine Upgrades goal
Amount Minion Level Mutation path
1 Horn Hippo Lv50 Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo
1 Beeg Hippo leveled as high as possible Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Beeg Hippo
1 Volcano leveled as high as possible Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Volcano
8 Goose Lv50 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose
3 Crocodile Lv50 Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Crocodile
12 Lizard Lv10 Babby Egg -> Lizard
Remaining slots Gobbo Lv10 Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo

At first you will be able to get only one Goose Goose. Once you can get more, proceed to evolve 3 Lizards into Crocodiles Crocodile. These two evolutions will boost your Coin production so quickly that you will be able to evolve all your Gobbos into LizardmenLizardman (Lv50), and this will lead you into evolving your Horn HippoHorn Hippo into a RainboppoRainboppo(Lv200), and your Beeg Hippo Beeg Hippo into a ChonkoppoChonkoppo (Lv200).

Since you reached Realm Lv20, there's no more need for Realm EXP anymore, so you should change the Orb Tower's trait for a money oriented one. These traits have less than 1% chance, so settle for the first one you can get. Much later on you can save up 15.000 - 20.000 Energy to get Gold Bless Trait39. Remember you need at least one Minion with the trait before rolling for it. The priority of the traits will be as follows:

  1. Gold Bless Trait39 from Goose - Increases all coin gain by +250% per blessing you have the most of (Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose)
  2. Smart Money Trait31 from Babby Egg - Increases all coin gain by +40% per 5 Realm Lv (Babby Egg)
  3. Make It Rain Trait8 from Volcano - Increases all coin gain by +150% from all sources (Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Volcano)

Vending Machine must-have goodies[]

When you reach the point of having Goose Goose and LizardmenLizardman at the same time on your team, go back to the Vending Machine and buy every latest new upgrade you can, and do so until you can't go further. You should be generating enough Coins to buy up to Bagged PancakesVendingItem13 (BP). From now on, whenever you have spare Coins to spend at the Vending Machine, upgrade all of the following:

  • Wheat ChewVendingItem0
  • Choccy CoinVendingItem3
  • Tuna CanVendingItem6: retrigger away time
  • Corn CanVendingItem9: increase away gains
  • Icecream SammichVendingItem10: start with Coins after resetting
  • Bagged PancakesVendingItem13 (BP): unstackable traits now stack. Later on, Minion amount might be refered at "BP+2", with BP being your Bagged Pancakes bonus.
  • Iced FootlongVendingItem14: Minion damage multiplier based on Ice Creams (this one might not be available yet)

These Vending Machine upgrades will boost your Realm progression a lot, and you should be buying them everytime you can after upgrading your Minions from here on. Be wary of Vendi BarVendingItem12(explained on Warning). Since you have Tuna CanVendingItem6 and Corn CanVendingItem9, you should leave Realm screen everytime you want to idle, so you have a chance to retrigger away time for a huge progression boost.

Approaching Stage 23[]

Once you reach Stage 23 you need to deal Purple Damage. This is done by acquiring a Rainboppo Rainboppo (Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo -> Rainboppo). Now when you banish Minions they will deal Purple damage equal to the amount of Realm EXP. Given Purple Health bar is based on your Realm EXP, you should always banish the minimum amount required to take down the health bar (explained on Warning). From here on, do not get any Realm EXP increase at all (from Blessings or Orb Tower).

At this point, you can decide to keep doing the Reset Loop, or continue to Stage 25. It's advised to carry on, since unlocking the Field will change the gameplay a lot, exponentially increasing the amounts of Spirals earned by reset (up to the point of doing only one reset to cap every Shrine Upgrade!).

Stage 25-49[]

Congrats! You have learned all the basic elements of Realm. And you also made it through the slowest and most idle part! Now it's time for really active gameplay.

Once you reach Stage 25, the Field will be available on the left side. Its currency are Flowers, which are generated by Ogre Spawns Ogre Spawn. Every single Plot is useful and will provide great benefits eventually. For now, we will care about the mentioned below. Plot 6, 7 and 8 are too expensive at this point to be helpful, and Plot 2 might be controversial because Coin/Damage reduction (explained on Warning). Given all the LizardmenLizardman present in your composition, upgrading the Plots below throughout the normal Realm loop should be fairly easy.

  • Plot 1: Full Blossom - each Ogre Spawn generates more Flowers. Immediately focus on this one, and keep upgrading whenever is the least expensive option.
  • Plot 3: Juiced Fruit - Fruits effect are stronger. Very cheap, should be maxed fairly easy.
  • Plot 4: Cash Genesis - Minions have a chance to produce x2 Coins. Quite cheap and really helpful.
  • Plot 5: Spare Charge - every Minion now generates Energy. This effect will be the base on which you will build your Orb Tower.

Vending Machine purchase loop[]

Now you should be in an Vending Machine purchase loop: you keep leveling your Chonkoppo Chonkoppo for more base Coin production, keep pushing Stages for a stronger Choccy CoinVendingItem3, keep buying all the previously mentioned Vending Machine must-have goodies, and keep claiming the "Get 100 Coins currency" trophies. This combination will eventually catapult you into being able to mutate your 3 Crocodiles Crocodile into Crikeydiles Crikeydile (Lv200), which offer a total 90% cashback on every Realm purchase. Once that point is reached, new Minions will join the composition:

Vending Machine purchase loop composition
Amount Minion Level Mutation path Notes
1 Rainboppo Lv200 Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo -> Rainboppo Source of Purple Damage
1 Chonkoppo leveled as high as possible Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Beeg Hippo -> Chonkoppo Red Damage and Coin production
1 Stork Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose -> Stork Red Damage also does Orange Damage
7 Goose Lv50 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose Coin production increase
2 Phaser Duck Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Duck -> Phaser Duck Guaranteed double blessing per Boss kill
6 Cinderduck Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Duck -> Cinderduck Coin production increase
3 Crikeydile Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Crocodile -> Crikeydile 90% cashback on every Realm purchase
Remaining slots Lizardman Lv50 Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo -> Lizardman Blesssing boost and Flowers production
Pick these Minions based on whatever you need. BP is your Bagged PancakesVendingItem13 bonus
BP+2 Everest Lv200 Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Snowy Peak -> Everest Each Everest gives 4 daily free Cornucopia rerolls.
BP+2 Blaken Gold Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Blaken Gold When resetting gain +40% more Enlightenment Spirals
3 up to


Purpback Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Purpbacks +1 blessing reroll per Boss kill. Combined with Musculor gives almost infinite blessing rerolls.

With this setup, you should be able to confortably push up to Stage 50 without being limited by damage or Coins, only by banishes.

Final push towards Stage 50[]

If you pushed far enough to get around 60M Spirals when resetting, do so. This will allow you to max almost every Shrine Upgrade, which will catapult you into the final push and section of the game. That amount of Spirals will allow you to end with:

  1. Dharma: maxed
  2. Bhakti: above Lv70
  3. Carnate: maxed
  4. Ahisma: maxed
  5. Taoism: above Lv40
  6. Sahaja: above Lv30
  7. Muksha: above L30
  8. Nirvana: above L20

This set of upgrades will allow you to finally add third mutations of Ogre Spawns Ogre Spawn in your compositition, detailed in the table below.

Final push composition
Amount Minion Level Mutation path Notes
1 Rainboppo Lv200 Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo -> Rainboppo Source of Purple Damage
1 Chonkoppo leveled as high as possible Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Beeg Hippo -> Chonkoppo Red Damage and Coin production
1 Stork Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose -> Stork Red Damage also does Orange Damage
7 Goose Lv50 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose Coin production increase
2 Phaser Duck Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Duck -> Phaser Duck Guaranteed double blessing per Boss kill
6 Cinderduck Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Duck -> Cinderduck Coin production increase
3 Crikeydile Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Crocodile -> Crikeydile 90% cashback on every Realm purchase
4 Scissarus Lv200 Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo -> Lizardman -> Scissarus Guaranteed double leveling Minions.
3 Musculor Lv200 Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Ogre Giant -> Musculor +30% each to not waste a reroll when rerolling blessings. Combined with Purpbacks gives almost infinite blessing rerolls.
3 Corruptor Lv200 Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Flesh Ogre -> Corruptor Multiplies Trophy's Coin gain values. More than 3 yield very little beneficial value.
Remaining slots Lizardman Lv50 Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo -> Lizardman Blesssing boost and Flowers production
Pick these Minions based on whatever you need. BP is your Bagged PancakesVendingItem13 bonus
BP+2 Everest Lv200 Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Snowy Peak -> Everest Each Everest gives 4 daily free Cornucopia rerolls.
BP+2 Blaken Gold Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Blaken Gold When resetting gain +40% more Enlightenment Spirals
3 up to


Purpback Lv200 Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Purpbacks +1 blessing reroll per Boss kill. Combined with Musculor gives almost infinite blessing rerolls.

Having all Blessing leveled at once![]

Since Dharma is maxed, now you have the possibility of having every single blessing and leveling them all at once. To acomplish this, pick one of every blessing marked with "pick" at the blessings table until you have one of each. Reroll if needed to get a new blessing you didn't yet get. Once you have all the blessings you want, going forwad only pick One For All A Realm blessing. Reroll without any worry since the three Musculors Musculor give a 90% chance to not spend them, and the Purpbacks Purpback give you more rerolls than you can spend.

Once you reach Stage 47 you need to deal White Damage. This is done by acquiring a Big Bone Big Bone (Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Flesh Ogre -> Big Bone). Now every attack deals White Damage based on your outside-Realm damage.

Stage 50 and beyond[]

Contratulations, you beat Realm! If you have been following the recommendations, by this point you should have:

  • Shrine Upgrades like described before
  • Vending Machine goodies with:
    • Wheat ChewVendingItem0: over +65 slots
    • Choccy CoinVendingItem3: over 1.70x coins
    • Tuna CanVendingItem6: over 60.% chance to retrigger
    • Corn CanVendingItem9: over +75% away gains increase
    • Icecream SammichVendingItem10: last to second-last currency (you can reset and immediately summon Minions and level them all to level 200.)
    • Bagged PancakesVendingItem13 (BP): +5 stacks
    • Iced FootlongVendingItem14: over 1.50x damage per ice cream
  • Field with:
    • Full Blossom: Lv10
    • Juiced Fruit: L12
    • Cash Genesis: Lv12
    • Spare Charge: Lv12
    • Level Cash: Lv10

With all of this, you should keep pushing and reset once you get more than 235T Spirals when resetting. This will allow you to max all the remaining Shrine Upgrades. If you don't have Torchy Torchy unlocked, you won't be able to push further than Afterlife 91, which won't allow you to earn such amount of Spirals. If that's the case, you can reset with 5T Spirals to max every Shrine Upgrade besides Bhakti.

From here on, you can keep pushing to keep upgrading your Vending Machine, and also reach Realm Lv400 to boost the Nirvana Upgrade. Other than that, you are already finished with Realm!.

End-game last reset composition
Amount Minion Mutation path Note
2 Phaser Duck Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Ducko -> Phaser Duck Get 2 blessings instead of one. Although One for All blessing only works once, it's still useful because of Gold Bless.
1 Stork Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose -> Stork Red Damage counts as Orange Damage.
3 Crikeydile Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Crocodile -> Crikeydale +90% spent coins are returned.
3 up to


Purpback Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Purpbacks +1 blessing reroll per Boss kill. Combined with Musculor gives almost infinite blessing rerolls.
4 Scissarus Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo -> Lizardman -> Scissarus Guaranteed double leveling Minions.
3 Musculor Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Ogre Giant -> Musculor +30% each to not waste a reroll when rerolling blessings. Combined with Purpbacks gives almost infinite blessing rerolls.
3 Corruptor Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Flesh Ogre -> Corruptor Multiplies Trophy's Coin gain values. More than 3 yield very little beneficial value.
1 Big Bone Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Flesh Ogre -> Big Bone White/Pink Damage.
1 Rainboppo Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo -> Rainboppo Purple Damage through Banishing.
1 Chonkoppo Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Beeg Hippo -> Chonkoppo Main source of Coins and Damage, so it's the only one needed to level always. All other minions are support Minions. Only exception is if you fill remaining free slots with Crocodile.
1 Torchy Torchy Rainbow Damage (Stages 90~100)
Remaining slots are filled with Coin/Flowers/Spirals/Energy/Cornucopia Minions, based on whatever you need for your run.

BP is your Bagged PancakesVendingItem13 bonus

Any Goose Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Goose If you do not have Gold Bless on Orb Tower you can fill a decent amount of remaining slots with these for additional Coins.
Any Cinderduck Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Ducko -> Cinderduck Increases all coin gain by +50% per unique Minion type in Barn.
Any Crocodile Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Crocodile Gives twice Energy/day and also 20% Coin (total minion Lv). Trait does not cap so you can fill a decent amount of your remaining slots with these. Keep in mind you have to level up every minion to benefit from its trait.
Any or


Pompeille Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Volcano -> Pompeille Increases all coin gain by +150% from all sources (no cap); +60% Total DMG for all minions per 5 Realm Lv. (limited by BP)
BP+2 Everest Pet Rock -> Mountain -> Snowy Peak -> Everest Each Everest gives 4 daily free Cornucopia rerolls.
BP+2 Blaken Gold Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Blaken Gold When resetting gain +40% more Enlightenment Spirals
Any Retiarius Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo -> Lizardman -> Retiarius When turning in resources gain +100% more food bundles.
All remaning slots Lizardman Ogre Spawn -> Gobbo -> Lizardman Doubles most blessings. Its potential gets stronger every Afterlife Level. Eventually you will reach a point where this Minion will out-perform any other Minion.

This is the composition of your final (required) reset. Start summoning Minions from top to bottom. The first Boss will die once you summon your first Damage minion: pick a blessing and do not enter in the portal until you buy all the remaining Minions. Your Barn should be full before you enter the portal to the second Boss.

The Blessing procedure is the same as described in the Having all Blessings leveled at once! section.

Once Coins are not a problem anymore and your goal is to push as far as you can (AL +100), you could change your Orb Tower 's trait for any of these:

  • Holy Roller Trait42 from Purpback (Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Purpback).
  • Critipow Trait20 from Ducko (Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken -> Ducko).

Bosses and types of damage[]

Each Boss defeated is a new Afterlife reached (also called Stages). The player can't damage Bosses, it can only acquire Coins from it; they instead are damaged through Minions. After Afterlife 100, the cycle starts over with higher scaled HP bosses. Once Shrine is unlcoked, a blessing will be available to be picked each time a Boss is defeated.

Boss health has tiers, marked by different colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Pink, and White (a.k.a. Infinity). Each tier can only be damaged by damage sources with Traits giving the corresponding damage type. The sole exception to this is Blue, which can only be damaged by the Orb Tower's laser beam.

Types and sources of damage
Damage Healthbar Acquire Note
Red Red Healthbar Little Piggy, Pet Rock, Ogre Spawn Babby Egg family and Shiny Minions never deal damage at all.
Orange Orange Healthbar Pet Rock -> Mountain
Yellow Yellow Healthbar Babby Egg -> Lil Chicken Now critical hits of any Minion does yellow damage, TIP: Pig -> Hippo by default have a 25% crit chance.
Blue Blue Healthbar Orb Tower's "Fires a laser" skill To increase the Orb Tower's damage you have to upgrade by having the Energy maxed out, then pressing "Increase Energy Cap".
Purple Purple Healthbar Pig -> Hippo -> Horn Hippo -> Rainboppo To deal Purple damage you have to banish Minions. Damage dealt equals the amount of experience shown. By this point you should have upgraded the Orb Tower to the point where you can protect Minions from being deleted when you banish.
Pink Pink Healthbar Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Flesh Ogre -> Big Bone Ogre Spawns become available once Realm Lv. 20 is reached (lower right corner)
White White Healthbar Ogre Spawn -> Ogre -> Flesh Ogre -> Big Bone Ogre Spawns become available once Realm Lv. 20 is reached (lower right corner)
Rainbow Rainbow Healthbar Torchy Deliver all Ice Cream deliveries and reach Tee Hee 16 (you need at least one kill on Tee Hee 16) eviscerate is what you need to achieve this you get this by killing asylum bosses.



A Lil Chicken in the Barn

Minions are your only way to deal damage to the Bosses. They are summoned through the Summon Portal and are stored in the Barn, where they can be banished to earn Realm EXP. Minions can level up using coins, the Realm currency. They have different traits that are acquired when summoned, at a mutation, or through the different buildings of the Realm.

Minions can mutate up to 3 times, with each mutation giving a new extra Trait and unlocking two new different choices for the next mutation. These mutations occur at specific Minion level.

  • First mutation: level 10
  • Second mutation: level 50
  • Third mutation: level 200

The Barn has a limited number of slots to store Minions. Up to 144 slots (9 pages of 16 slots each) can be acquired through:

When banishing Minions, you will get Realm EXP based on the amount of Coins spent on them. Only 6 can be banished per day, and there's no way to get more. Although the cooldown time can be accelerated by Away Time triggering again.


Traits are abilities that give Minions different bonuses. Each species of Minion has different Traits. Every normal Minion starts with 2 Traits, and then gains a Trait per mutation. The Orb Tower and the Flower Garden can also give additional traits to all Minions.

Full Trait list
Traits Effect Stackable? Tier Source Notes
0 Trait0 Heart Attack Deal Red Damage to the boss 3 times every minute Yes 1 Little Pig

Pet Rock

Ogre Spawn

Minion does Red Damage.
1 Trait1 Flesh Wound Increases total damage by +30% Yes 1 Pet Rock


2 Trait2 OJ Heart Stab Deal Orange Damage instead of Red 3 times every minute Yes 2 Mountain Replaces Red Damage for this Minion
3 Trait3 Whirlwind When the shrine is active all minions attack 50% faster No 4 Echo Delta
4 Trait4 Charger Charges the Orbs Energy by 1 energy every hour Yes 2 Lizard Minion now produces Energy
5 Trait5 Targeter Increases crit chance by +25% Yes 2 Devilar


6 Trait6 Tarjority Increases crit chance by +5% for all minions No 4 Hippemo
7 Trait7 Coin Pressing Generates coins every minute Yes 1 Little Piggy

Babby Egg

8 Trait8 Make It Rain Increases all coin gain by +150% from all sources Yes 3 Volcano
9 Trait9 Coupons -25% Minion Upgrade Cost per unique minion type in barn No 4 Martianus
10 Trait10 Scar Wound Increases total damage by +50% for all minions No 4 Glaciar
11 Trait11 Clenched Fist Increases base damage by +2500 Yes 3 Astrialis
12 Trait12 Righteous Fist Increases base damage by +100 for all minions Yes 3 Beeg Hippo
13 Trait13 Powerful Fist Increases base damage by +100 per 5 Realm Lv Yes 3 Snowy Peak
14 Trait14 Quickstab Increases attack speed by +50% Yes 3 Jupeter
15 Trait15 Flurry Increases attack speed by +25% for all minions No 4 Orbiteer
16 Trait16 Minion Mayhem +3% Atk Spd for all minions per unique minion type No 4 Tarantuppo
17 Trait17 Major Wound +10% Total DMG for all minions per unique minion type No 4 Jekyllar
18 Trait18 Trazetter Increases crit chance by +4% per 5 Realm Lv Yes 3 Devilar
19 Trait19 Bolstered Econ Increases all coin gain by +20% per 100 total minions Lv Yes 3 Crocodile
20 Trait20 Critipow +5% Crit DMG for all minions per 100 total minion Lv Yes 3 Ducko
21 Trait21 Slammacow +10% Total DMG for all minions per 100 total minion Lv No 4 Gasseon
22 Trait22 Riftseeker Increases Realm Exp gained when banishing minions by +150% Yes 3 Horn Hippo
23 Trait23 Lemonhearted For all minions critical hits also deal Yellow Damage No 2 Lil Chicken Enables Yellow Damage for all Minions
24 Trait24 Trashite +5 additional banishes allowed per day No - - Not available yet
25 Trait25 Pig Prince All piggy-type minions get +100% Total Damage No 4 Mammoth
26 Trait26 Rock Ruler All rocky-type minions get +25% Crit Chance No 4 Luminavi
27 Trait27 Egg Emperor All eggy-type minions get -50% upgrade cost No 4 Eggligator
28 Trait28 Banish Bop When banishing minions deal Purple Dmg equal to Realm XP gained No 4 Rainboppo Purple Damage for banishing only. Works with Orb Tower effects
29 Trait29 Resetti When resetting gain +40% more Enlightenment Spirals No 4 Blaken Gold
30 Trait30 Harvester When turning in resources gain +100% more food bundles Yes 4 Retiarius
31 Trait31 Smart Money Increases all coin gain by +40% per 5 Realm Lv Yes 1 Babby Egg
32 Trait32 Tax Collector Increases all coin gain by +50% per unique minion type in barn Yes 4 Cinderduck
33 Trait33 Double Stab Increases multihit chance by +35% Yes 3 Chromar
34 Trait34 Multi Stab Increases multihit chance by +30% for all minions No 4 Icelular
35 Trait35 Blessed Up +50% chance to get 2 blessings when choosing one No 4 Phaser Duck End-game must have. Hard capped at +100%
36 Trait36 Wooping Whack +60% Total DMG for all minions per 5 Realm Lv No 4 Pompeille
37 Trait37 Boss Pilfer Killing a boss multiplies the coins you have by 1.5x No - - This trait can no longer be obtained
38 Trait38 BOGO Offering -50% Minion Upgrade Cost for all minions No 4 Meltor
39 Trait39 Gold Bless Increases all coin gain by +250% per blessing you have the most of Yes 3 Goose Mid-game must have on Orb Tower for Coins
40 Trait40 Fruit Vendor The first 4 fruit reroll purchases each day are free No 4 Everest
41 Trait41 Stackability All unstackable traits now stack up to 2 times for all minions No 4 Chonkoppo This trait is no longer stackable, and hard-capped at 1, effect of this only counts once.
42 Trait42 Holy Roller Get +1 blessing reroll every time you kill a boss No 4 Purpback Mid-game must have. It may be set on Orb Tower for end-game push
43 Trait43 Dual Damage All Red Damage also counts as Orange Damage and vice versa No 4 Stork What is Red but a Cherry Orange anyway?
44 Trait44 Open Register 30% of all coins you spend are returned No 4 Crikeydile Hard capped at 90%
45 Trait45 Full Blossom +% blossoms from minions Yes - Plot 1 Granted by the Flower Garden. Passive.
46 Trait46 Smol Savings -% Minion Upgrade Cost for all minions Yes - Plot 2 Granted by the Flower Garden.
47 Trait47 Juiced Fruit All fruit bonuses are +% larger Yes - Plot 3 Granted by the Flower Garden. Passive.
48 Trait48 Cash Genesis +% Chance to produce 2x coins Yes - Plot 4 Granted by the Flower Garden.
49 Trait49 Spare Charge Charges the Orbs Energy by every hour Yes - Plot 5 Granted by the Flower Garden.
50 Trait50 Level Cash Increases coin gain by +% per 100 Lv of this minion Yes - Plot 6 Granted by the Flower Garden.
51 Trait51 Level Slash +% Total damage per 100 upg lvs of this minion Yes - Plot 7 Granted by the Flower Garden.
52 Trait52 Afterlife Slam +% Total damage for all minions per best afterlife Yes - Plot 8 Granted by the Flower Garden.
53 Trait53 Field Bloomer Generates flowers every hour Yes 1 Ogre Spawns Minion produces Flower Blossoms
54 Trait54 Smol Savings -10% Minion Upgrade Cost for all minions Yes - Plot 2 Granted by the Flower Garden.
55 Trait55 Smol Speedy +2% Atk Spd for all minions Yes 2 Asteroid
56 Trait56 Smol Cash Increases all coin gain by +100% Yes 2 Gobbo
57 Trait57 Smol Damage +25% Total DMG for all minions Yes 2 Ogre
58 Trait58 Smol Critty Increases crit chance by +5% for all minions Yes 3 Iguana
59 Trait59 Base Convert +0.05% DMG for each talent base dmg for all minons up to 300% No 4 Tundra Orc
60 Trait60 Doublepgrade 30% chance for an upgrade to lv up minion twice for free No 4 Scissarus
61 Trait61 Gambol Hour 3% chance for 1hr gains when upgrading this minion No - - Might be a Orb Tower trait. Requires confirmation
62 Trait62 Zerg Rush All OgreSpawn-type minions get +30% Attack Speed No 4 Hugh Mungus
63 Trait63 Lucky Roll Rerolling blessings has a 30% chance to not use up a reroll No 4 Musculor
64 Trait64 Pure Hearted All attacks deal white damage based on your dmg outside realm No 4 Big Bone Minions now deal White Damage.
65 Trait65 2 Time Champ Multiplies coin gain by trophy bonus a 2nd time No 4 Corruptor
66 Trait66 Bless Updog Most blessings give double their bonus Yes 3 Lizardman End-game must have. Fill all your remaining slots with Lizardman
67 Trait67 Hammerfist +75 Base DMG for all minions per 100 total minion Lv Yes 3 Orc
68 Trait68 Multicrit +20% Crit chance and 20% Multihit for all minions No 4 Bulwark Orc
69 Trait69 Multo Monno +1% Multihit for all minions per unique minion type No 3 Ogre Giant
70 Trait70 Mongo Crits +200% Crit DMG for all minions Yes 3 Flesh Gore
71 Trait71 Quadrafire All minions regular attacks now also do Eternal Damage No 1 Torchy Minions now deal Eternal Damage.
72 Trait72 Shiny All minions do 1.5x dmg make 2x more coins and attack 1.1x faster Yes 1 Shiny Minions
73 Trait73 Get On My Lv All minions do 1% more dmg per their personal Upgrade Lv No 4 Gemmar

Minions list and their mutations[]

Minions are divided into four families: Little Piggy (unlocked by default), Pet Rock (unlocked at Realm Lv2), Babby Egg (unlocked at Realm Lv10), Ogre Spawns (unlocked at Realm Lv20), and Special (unique Minions bought in the Crystal Eye Shop or by special conditions)

Little Piggy family
Name Traits Prerequisite Notes
Piggy Little Piggy Trait7Trait0 - Main Coin and damage source (early-game it's only Red, late-game is every type)
Boar Boar Trait7Trait0Trait1 Little Piggy Useless mutation tree. Only Gemmar and Mammoth might have an use
Hippo Hippo Trait7Trait0Trait5 Little Piggy Main mutation tree because of Rainboppo (Purple damage) and Chonkoppo (cheapest Pig to upgrade)
Chromar Chromar Trait7Trait0Trait1Trait33 Boar
Devilar Devilar Trait7Trait0Trait1Trait18 Boar
Horn Hippo Horn Hippo Trait7Trait0Trait5Trait22 Hippo Good early-game for Realm EXP increase
Beeg Hippo Beeg Hippo Trait7Trait0Trait5Trait12 Hippo
Gemmar Gemmar Trait7Trait0Trait1Trait33Trait73 Chromar Extra damage for your main Minion (situational?)
Jekyllar Jekyllar Trait7Trait0Trait1Trait33Trait17 Chromar
Mammoth Mammoth Trait7Trait0Trait1Trait18Trait25 Devilar Extra damage for your main Minion (situational?)
Iceular Iceular Trait7Trait0Trait1Trait18Trait34 Devilar
Rainboppo Rainboppo Trait7Trait0Trait5Trait22Trait28 Horn Hippo Provides Purple damage through banishing Minions
Hippemo Hippemo Trait7Trait0Trait5Trait22Trait6 Horn Hippo
Tarantuppo Tarantuppo Trait7Trait0Trait5Trait12Trait16 Beeg Hippo
Chonkoppo Chonkoppo Trait7Trait0Trait5Trait12Trait41 Beeg Hippo Main end-game Minion. Most expensive Pig to upgrade, which means more Coin generation
Pet Rock family
Name Traits Prerequisite Notes
Pet Rock Pet Rock Trait1Trait0 - Main source of Orange damage and Coin gain increase (early-game); and free Cornucopia rerrolls (end-game)
Mountain Mountain Trait1Trait0Trait2 Pet Rock Main mutation tree because of Orange damage, Volcano (Coin gain) and Everest (free Cornucopia rerrolls)
Asteroid Asteroid Trait1Trait0Trait55 Pet Rock Useless mutation tree. Only Gasseon might have an use
Snowy Peak Snowy Peak Trait1Trait0Trait2Trait13 Mountain
Volcano Volcano Trait1Trait0Trait2Trait8 Mountain Best early-game Coin gain trait
Jupeter Jupeter Trait1Trait0Trait55Trait14 Asteroid
Astralis Astralis Trait1Trait0Trait55Trait11 Asteroid
Everest Everest Trait1Trait0Trait2Trait13Trait40 Snowy Peak Great late-game for free Cornucopia rerolls
Glaciar Glaciar Trait1Trait0Trait2Trait13Trait10 Snowy Peak
Meltor Meltor Trait1Trait0Trait2Trait8Trait38 Volcano
Pompeille Pompeille Trait1Trait0Trait2Trait8Trait36 Volcano
Gasseon Gasseon Trait1Trait0Trait55Trait14Trait21 Jupeter
Orbiteer Orbiteer Trait1Trait0Trait55Trait14Trait15 Jupeter
Martianus Martianus Trait1Trait0Trait55Trait11Trait9 Astralis
Luminavi Luminavi Trait1Trait0Trait55Trait11Trait26 Astralis
Babby Egg family
Name Traits Prerequisite Notes
Babby Egg Babby Egg Trait7Trait31 - Main source of Yellow damage, Coin gain increase, Energy (early-game); and Orange damage, double-blessings, cashback, blessing rerolls and Enlightment Spirals (end-game)
Lil Chicken Lil Chicken Trait7Trait31Trait23 Babby Egg Makes every Minion deal Yellow damage on critical hits
Lizard Lizard Trait7Trait31Trait4 Babby Egg Early-game source of Energy
Ducko Ducko Trait7Trait31Trait23Trait20 Lil Chicken
Goose Goose Trait7Trait31Trait23Trait39 Lil Chicken Early-game source of the best Coin gain increase trait
Crocodile Crocodile Trait7Trait31Trait4Trait19 Lizard
Iguana Iguana Trait7Trait31Trait4Trait58 Lizard
Phaser Duck Phaser Duck Trait7Trait31Trait23Trait20Trait35 Ducko 2 of these grant a guaranteed double-blessing (hard cap)
Cinderduck Cinderduck Trait7Trait31Trait23Trait20Trait32 Ducko Great end-game Coin gain trait
Stork Stork Trait7Trait31Trait23Trait39Trait43 Goose Makes your Pig minions to also deal Orange damage
Echo Delta Echo Delta Trait7Trait31Trait23Trait39Trait3 Goose
Crikeydile Crikeydile Trait7Trait31Trait4Trait19Trait44 Crocodile 3 of these grant a 90% cashback (hard cap)
Eggligator Eggligator Trait7Trait31Trait4Trait19Trait27 Crocodile
Purpback Purpback Trait7Trait31Trait4Trait58Trait42 Iguana Each one gives an extra blessing rerroll (up to Bagged Pancakes). Makes a really good combo with Musculor (Ogre Spawn family)
Blaken Gold Blaken Gold Trait7Trait31Trait4Trait58Trait29 Iguana Each one gives extra Enlightment Spirals (up to Bagged Pancakes)
Ogre Spawn family
Name Traits Prerequisite Notes
Ogre Spawn Ogre Spawn Trait0Trait53 Main source of White damage, Flowers, Coin gain increase, double-level up for Minions, chance to not spend blessing rerrolls, and double Food bundles (end-game)
Gobbo Gobbo Trait0Trait53Trait56 Ogre Spawn
Ogre Ogre Trait0Trait53Trait57 Ogre Spawn
Orc Orc Trait0Trait53Trait56Trait67 Gobbo
Lizardman Lizardman Trait0Trait53Trait56Trait66 Gobbo End-game Blessing effect boost trait. This minion should fill every single slot once you have bought every other damage and utility Minions.
Ogre Giant Ogre Giant Trait0Trait53Trait57Trait69 Ogre
Flesh Ogre Flesh Ogre Trait0Trait53Trait57Trait70 Ogre
Bulwark Orc Bulwark Orc Trait0Trait53Trait56Trait67Trait68 Orc
Tundra Orc Tundra Orc Trait0Trait53Trait56Trait67Trait59 Orc
Scissarus Scissarus Trait0Trait53Trait56Trait66Trait60 Lizardman 4 of these give a guaranteed free extra level when leveling Minions (you pay one, and get another one for free!) (hard cap)
Retiarius Retiarius Trait0Trait53Trait56Trait66Trait30 Lizardman Used to have Boss Pilfer trait, now has Harvester: double Food bundles at Cornucopia
Hugh Mungus Hugh Mungus Trait0Trait53Trait57Trait69Trait62 Ogre Giant
Musculor Musculor Trait0Trait53Trait57Trait69Trait63 Ogre Giant 3 of these give a 90% chance to not use a blessing reroll (hard cap)
Corruptor Corruptor Trait0Trait53Trait57Trait70Trait65 Flesh Ogre End-game Coin increase based on Trophies. Has high diminishing returns after 3 Minions of this type.
Big Bone Big Bone Trait0Trait53Trait57Trait70Trait64 Flesh Ogre Deals White damage based on your outside-Realm damage
Special Minions
Name Traits Obtain
Torchy Torchy Trait71 Light all 4 torches in the Lord's Lair.
Rare Shiny 200px200px Purchased with 575 Crystal Eyes. A reskinned Minion with an extra Trait.

Vending Machine[]

Vending Machine

The Vending Machine with all goodies unlocked

Unlocked after beating Afterlife 3. Its currency are Coins, the same used with Minions. Coins can be spent to buy goodies, which are permanent upgrades, both for Realm and outside-Realm features. New goodies are unlocked by buying one of the latest unlocked.

As of right now, the buttons on the right don't do anything.

Vending Machine goodies
Upgrade Effect Levels at which upgrades turn NaN Notes
VendingItem0 Wheat Chew Increases Number of Barn Slots by +(lvl) 285 Barn Slots Must upgrade to progress in Realm. Early-game oriented, afterwards can be ignored
VendingItem1 Burrito Multiplies Fight DMG outside of realm by 1 + (lvl * 0.01)x per best afterlife reached x3.6X Fight DMG
VendingItem2 Sour Cremchips Increases perk points to spend outside realm by +(5*lvl) +5035 perk points
VendingItem3 Choccy Coin 1 + (lvl * 0.01)x coins in realm per best afterlife reached x4.34 coins in realm Must upgrade to progress in Realm. Most useful upgrade along all stages in Realm
VendingItem4 White Choc Bar Multipies cash earned outside realm by 1 + (lvl * 0.05)x per best afterlife reached x13.75X Cash
VendingItem5 Syrup Soda Boosts bonuses from all potions outside realm by 1 + (lvl * 0.04)x x1.91X Potion boost
VendingItem6 Tuna Can (3.8 * lvl)% Chance to retrigger away time when entering any screen 90.1% Chance to retrigger Must upgrade to progress in Realm. End-game oriented. Bonus diminishes based on level
VendingItem7 Cane Sugar Soda Boosts bonuses from all Mastery Bonuses outside realm by 1 + (lvl * 0.04)x x1.91X Mastery bonuses Bonus diminishes based on level
VendingItem8 Toothpaste Tube Boosts bonuses from all Lab Tanks outside realm by 1 + (lvl * 0.04)x x1.9X Lab Tanks bonuses Bonus diminishes based on level
VendingItem9 Corn Can Increases Away Gains on all screens by +(lvl * 2)% +464% Away Gains Must upgrade to progress in Realm. End-game oriented
VendingItem10 Icecream Sammich Start with (? * lvl) coins after resetting 7044 cash (impossible to tell) Must upgrade to progress in Realm
VendingItem11 Bundled Broccoli Ew brocolli Impossible to tell Does nothing
VendingItem12 Vendi Bar All vending and minion upgrade costs are reduced by (lvl)% 339% cost reduction
VendingItem13 Bagged Pancakes Unstackable minion traits can stack +(lvl) more times than normal +33 unstackable traits Must upgrade to progress in Realm. End-game oriented
VendingItem14 Iced Footlong Multiplies minion damage by 1+(lvl * 0.01)x per ice cream you have unlocked x4.13X Minion damage Must upgrade to progress in Realm. End-game oriented
VendingItem15 Jawbreaker Increases chain lv chance by +(lvl * 1.4)% outside realm +43.6% Chain Lv. chance Bonus diminishes based on level


Cornucopia (fruits)

Cornucopia's Fruits screen. Here Fruits can be rerolled for new Fruits, and their stats can be rerolled for better stats

Unlocked after beating Afterlife 7. Its currency are Food bundles, wich are obtained by exchanging all collected ores, fish, traces, souls, crops, flowers, vessels, or treasures for them. Only 2 resource bundles can be exchanged per day. Like banishing, the cooldown time can be accelerated by Away Time triggering again.

Up to 7 slots for Fruit can be bought. Buying all 7 slots costs 11Q Food bundles.


Fruits have a varying range of bonuses that can be rerolled with the Reroll button. Every fruit can have up to 3 lines of bonuses, with each line being rolled for individually. Therefore you can gain or lose lines whith every reroll.

Each fruit has a slot in which can be stored (this is detailed in the table below).

Fruit list
Fruit Effect Low Value Mid Value Max Value Slots
CornucopiaFruit0 Pumpkin Minion Cost Reduction 10% 25% 50% All
CornucopiaFruit1 Strawberry Total Minion Dmg 10% 25% 60% All
CornucopiaFruit2 Avocado Enlightenment Spirals 15% 30% 60% All
CornucopiaFruit3 Cherry Double Blessing Chance 8% 15% 30% All
CornucopiaFruit4 Lemon Coins 25% 60% 150% 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit5 Watermelon Bonus from Blessings 10% 25% 60% 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit6 Coconut Vending Cost Reduction 5% 10% 20% 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit7 Limona Lime Minion AFK Attack Speed 5% 10% 20% 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit8 Bluenana Faster Orb Charging 10% 20% 40% 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit9 Sour Grapes Field Growth Speed 20% 50% 125% 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit10 Granny Smith Cash Outside Realm 100% 200% 400% 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit11 Golden Apple Coins Per Realm Level 2% 5% 10% 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit12 Orange Minion Damage Per Ice Cream 5% 10% 30% 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit13 Wine Grapes Away Gains for Realm 5% 10% 25% 5 - 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit14 Pineapple Fight Damage Outside Realm 150% 250% 500% 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit15 Banana Away Gains Outside Realm 3% 5% 10% 6 - 7
CornucopiaFruit16 Apple Minion 2x Level Chance 10% 20% 40% 7
CornucopiaFruit17 Kiwi Fruit All Fruit Bonuses 10% 15% 30% 7

Orb Tower[]

Orb tower (early-game)

The Orb Tower at the early-game with the Riftseeker trait. Only skill 7 is missing

Unlocked after beating Afterlife 11. Its currency is Energy, which is generated by minions with the Charger trait (Babby Egg family - Lizard tree).

Only up to 10 Energy can be stored at the beggining. This can be increased with Expansions, which also unlocks new powers. The Orb Tower gets a new power with each Expansion, until the 7th. Afterwards, further Expansions only increase maximum Energy and Blue damage.

Orb Tower powers
Energy Cost Effect Note Expansion
5 Fires a laser, which deals 10 Blue Dmg for 10 sec (higher damage per Expansion) Deals damage 10 times 1
15 All Minions gain a random trait More details below 2
25 The next minion you banish will give you Realm EXP without being deleted 3
40 Get back all coins you have spent since entering 4
50 +10% bonus to all coin gain permanent Can be used infinite times. Only affects Realm 5
75 +10% bonus to all damage permanently Can be used infinite times. Only affects Realm 6

Expansion cost is always the current maximum Energy. This means that the Chagrin blessing will increase the Energy needed to expand the Orb Tower. Expansions are infinite, meaning the Blue damage done by the laser can be upgraded infinitely.

Expansion costs
Expansion Cost Laser Damage
1 10 22
2 40 62
3 120 ?
4 126 207
5 326 810
6 800 3625
7 1923 22059

The Trait you can get from the Orb Tower is based off what Minions you have. Therefore, you need to at least have one Minion before being elegible for such Trait. When aiming for the rarest Traits (2% chance and below), wait until there's at least 15.000 Energy in the Orb Tower before rolling.

Traits given by the Orb Tower
Trait Description Chance Priority
Trait1 Flesh Wound Increases total damage by +30% 16% Reroll
Trait22 Riftseeker Increases Realm Exp gained when banishing minions by +150% 16% Best early-game Trait to help you reach Realm Lv20
Trait13 Powerful Fist Increases base damage by +100 per 5 Realm Lv 16% Reroll
Trait11 Clenched Fist Increases base damage by +2500 16% Best early-game Trait until you can get Riftseeker
Trait5 Targeter Increases crit chance by +25% 16% Reroll
Trait33 Double Stab Increases multihit chance by +35% 5% Reroll
Trait20 Critipow +5% Crit DMG for all minions per 100 total minion Lv 4% Good end-game Trait once Coins are not an issue anymore. Reroll at early-game
Trait12 Righteous Fist Increases base damage by +100 for all minions 3% Reroll
Trait14 Quickstab Increases attack speed by +50% 3% Reroll
Trait8 Make It Rain Increases all coin gain by +150% from all sources 2% 3rd best Coin gain Trait. Can settle for it if you ran out of Energy
Trait7 Coin Pressing Generates coins every minute 0.8% Better than reroll Traits
Trait42 Holy Roller Get +1 blessing reroll every time you kill a boss 0.7% Good end-game Trait once Coins are not an issue anymore
Trait39 Gold Bless Increases all coin gain by +250% per blessing you have the most of 0.6% 1st best Coin gain Trait. Mid-game must have
Trait32 Tax Collector Increases all coin gain by +50% per unique minion type in barn 0.5% 2nd best Coin gain Trait. Can settle for it if you ran out of Energy
Trait31 Smart Money Increases all coin gain by +40% per 5 Realm Lv 0.4% 4th best Coin gain Trait. Can settle for it if you ran out of Energy
Trait30 Harvester When turning in resources gain +100% more food bundles ??? Useful for getting new fruits, can settle for it if you run out of energy.


Shrine reset

Shrine reset screen

Unlocked after beating Afterlife 16. Its currency are Enlightenment Spirals, which are obtained by reseting the Realm progress. It provides acces to Resets, Blessings and Upgrades.

When reseting, all coins, minions and blessings will be lost; Enlightenment Spirals will be awarded, and Aftelife will be set to 1 again. On the other hand, Realm Lv, Vending Machine, Cornucopia, Orb Tower and Fields will remain the same. With this in mind, it is advised to spend all possible Coins before doing a reset.


Shrine blessings (list early-game)

Shrine showing all the chosen blessings

After defeating a Boss, the game offers 3 random blessings for the player to choose from. Initially there are only 10 blessings available, and then Dharma upgrade unlocks up to 27 blessings.

Blessings list
Name Effect Dharma level Pick Note
C Afterlife Penny Thought +10% coins from all sources 0 Yes
R Afterlife Dime Decisive +25% coins from all sources 8 Yes
Z Realm Banked Bygone +50% coins from all sources 16 Yes
D Realm Che Cheapo -2% minion upgrade cost for all minions 0 No Negative impact on damage.
T Realm Vendorama -5% Vending Machine costs 10 Yes
L Realm Nickel back +2% Cashback on all purchases 2 Yes
I Realm Pigglio +15% Total Damage for all Pig Type Minions 0 Yes
K Realm Rockiko +15% Total Damage for all Rock Type Minions 1 Yes
N Realm Eggyolko +15% Total Damage for all Egg Type Minions 4 No Eggs don't do damage silly.
S Realm Spawnisho +15% Total Damage for all Spawn Type Minions 9 Yes
A Realm Little Damage +5% total minion damage for all minions 0 Yes
M Realm Mega Damage +10% total minion damage for all minions 3 Yes
X Realm Eternal Damage +20% total minion damage for all minions 14 Yes
H Realm Crimsonile +10% Red Damage from all minions 0 Yes
U Realm Refractile +10% Damage of all colours except red 11 Yes
E Realm Fasting +2% attack speed for all attacking minions 0 No Causes great lag once you progress further. Use minions that you can banish if you want attack speed.
G Realm Criticle +1% Crit Chance for all minions 0 Yes
J Realm Countinion +1 unique minion count for Minion Traits 0 Yes Great for unique Minion traits, and also for Realm Trophies
F Realm Intellingo 10% Realm EXP from banishing 0 Yes
B Realm Chagrin +3 Max Energy cap for orb tower 0 - Why? 3 is nothing.
P Realm Barno +1 Barn Slot 6 - If you have not unlocked many from vending machine sure.
Q Realm Enlightenment +15% Enlightenment spiritals when resetting 7 - You absolutely want this when you still have upgrades left in shrine, after this just ignore.
Y Realm Retrigger +10% chance to retrigger away time after arrival 15 Yes
O Realm Randomizer Instantly get 2 random blessings 5 No Could give you negative impact blessings.
V Realm Randomegazer Instantly get 4 random blessings 12 No Could give you negative impact blessings.
W Realm Superblesser 1.1x higher bonus from all +% blessings 13 Yes
A Realm One For All Instantly get +1 of every type of blessing you have 17 Yes Once you have collected blessings that you want re-roll for this every time.


Shrine upgrades

Shrine upgrade screen. Note it can be scrolled down to show more upgrades

After each reset, Shrine will award the player with Enlightenment Spirals. These can be spent in permanent upgrades for both Realm and the main game. To max every upgrade, 235T Enlightenment Spirals are required. It's advised to do a few quick resets (up to Afterlife 23) to max Dharma, upgrade both Bhakti and Sahaja as far as possible, and then do a single long Afterlife run to max every other upgrade at once.

Enlightenment Spirals gain can be increased with:

  • Resetti trait: +40% more Enlightenment Spirals when resetting. Blaken Gold minion (Babby Egg -> Lizard -> Iguana -> Blaken Gold). This trait stacks up to Bagged Pancakes times
    • Stackability trait: you can stack traits one more time. Chonkoppo minion (Little Piggy -> Hippo -> Beeg Hippo -> Chonkoppo)
  • Enlightenment blessing: +15% Enlightenment Spirals when resetting.
    • Superblesser blessing: 1.1x higher bonus from all +% blessings (based on blessing amount)
    • Watermelon fruit: +x% bonus from Blessings (based on fruit amount and bonuses)
  • Avocado fruit: +x% Enlightenment Spirals when resetting (based on fruit amount and bonuses)
    • Kiwi fruit: +x% all Fruit Bonuses (based on fruit bonuses)
    • Juiced Fruit plot: all fruit bonuses are +x% larger (based on plot 3 level)
Shrine upgrades
Name Effect Effect at max level Final upgrade cost
Dharma Dharma +lvl blessing types to get after a boss kill. You start with 10 types. +17 1M
Bhakti Bhakti +1 +(lvl * 0.01)x higher fight damage inside and outside of Realm for each upgrade of this x2 34T
Carnate Carnate +lvl barn slots to store minions in +16 40K
Ahisma Ahisma +lvl total rerolls per run. Total rerolls come back every time you do a Shrine Reset +20 22K
Taoism Taoism When low on coins lvl% chance to get a major refund of the coins you just spent 60% 10M
Sahaja Sahaja +lvl% Chain LV chance outside of Realm. Also +lvl% Realm coins per afterlife reached +40% 65M
Muksha Moksha +(lvl *5)% Field growth rate so you can max out all those field talents +500% 978B
Nirvana Nirvana +lvl% away gains for all skills per 10 Realm LV +50% 50B


Field (end-game)

Field with all Plots unlocked and almost maxed

Unlocked after beating Afterlife 25. Its currency are Flowers (also known as Blossoms), which are made by minions with the Field Bloomer trait (Ogre Spawn family). Field houses 8 plots, with each one giving a Trait to all Minions when purchased (except for Plot 1 - Full Blossom and Plot 3 - Juiced Fruit, these two are passive Minion-less Traits).

Flowers gain can be increased with:

  • Sour Grapes fruit: +x% Field Growth Speed (based on fruit amount and bonuses)
    • Kiwi fruit: +x% all Fruit Bonuses (based on fruit bonuses)
    • Juiced Fruit plot: all fruit bonuses are +x% larger (based on plot 3 level)
  • Full Blossom plot: +x% blossoms from Minions (based on plot 1 level)


Plot list
Plot Cost Name Effect Effect at Lv12
1 Full Blossom +(lvl * ?)% blossoms from minons (Passive Trait) +276B%
2 Smol Savings -(lvl * ?)% Minion Upgrade Cost for all minions -29.1%
3 Juiced Fruit All fruit bonuses are +(lvl * ?) larger (Passive Trait) +133%
4 Cash Genesis +(lvl *?)% Chance to produce 2x coins +96%
5 Spare Charge Charges the Orbs Energy by (lvl * 0.1) every hour 1.2
6 164M Level Cash Increases coin gain by +(lvl * ?)% per 100 Lv of this Minion +648%
7 5.7B Level Slash +(lvl * ?)% Total damage per 100 upg lvs of this minion +648%
8 210B Aferlife Slam +(afterlife * ?)% Total damage for all minions per best afterlife +648%

Upgrade chance[]

Each Plot starts at level 1 and can be leveled up to level 12. Each level up lowers the chance of a successful upgrade. The upgrade chance starts at 1 in 4, and ends up at 1/345 for the last level.

Plot upgrade chance
Plot Lv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Chance to upgrade 1/4 1/5 1/7 1/11 1/17 1/27 1/44 1/72 1/121 1/205 1/345

Trophy Case[]

68 total trophies to earn. Each trophy increases coin gain of every minion. The 'Get 100 ... bill' are giving a particularly high boost to coin gain.

Tap the boss 10 times to get some coins
Buy a pig from the portal. Scroll right to do it
Defeat the Toxic Sludge boss
Upgrade the pig minion twice
Click the pigs coin trait to read what it does
Level up to Realm Lv2 by banishing some minions
Mutate the pig minion by upgrading it 10 times
Defeat the Crude Oil Snail
Defeat the Crying Candle to unlock vending machine
Evolve a rock to Mountain to deal orange damage
Upgrade Wheat Chew in vending machine
Upgrade Choccy Coin in vending machine
Defeat the Slumbering Pillow to unlock Cornucopia
Get 100 silver coins. 1 Silver is worth 1000 copper
Get 100 gold coins
Get 100 dollar bills
Get 100 red dollar bills
Get 100 blue dollar bills
Reach Realm Lv10 by banishing more minions
Turn in 4 resource bundles at Cornucopia
Unlock 2nd fruit slot in the Cornucopia
Evolve a Egg into Lil Chicken for yellow damage
Defeat the Twisted Shark to unlock orb tower
Mutate the same minion two times
Have 15 unique minion types in the barn
Fire the orb laser to deal blue damage
Have 40 unique minion types in the barn
Have 60 unique minion types in the barn

Crystal Eye Shop[]

Crystal Eyes are a premium currency bought with money. Not sure if there is a way to earn them free.

Crystal Eye Shop
Name Effect Price
Barn Egg A little egg that permanently gives +4 Barn Slots. 200 + (30? * lvl)
Damage+ Multiplies all minion damage by 1.3x. (limit of 15) 235
Cash+ Multiplies all realm coin gain by 1.3x. (limit of 15) 190
1 Hour Instantly gives you 1 hour of progress 45
Rare Shiny Summons a permanent shiny minion with an ultra powerful trait that boosts all minions 575
N Hours Instantly gives you a random amount of hours of progress. Max is 100 hours, average is 8. 135
Rerolls Gives you 15 free rerolls at the cornucopia for new fruit or better bonuses 280