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The Bog is the second advanced Fighting zone and features 21 unique monsters over 100 encounters. Clearing The Bog unlocks The Lunar Isle

The following table shows the base values for each monster in the zone. (Note: 1 = 1000 QQ)

Monster Damage HP Gold Kill Req. Bonus
Mudnut 1 41991K 589540 115B 4415 20% Meteor Skill Damage
Mudnut 2 43825K 690021 119B 5375
Mudnut 3 45691K 811237 123B 6335
Septislime 1 47590K 957994 127B 7295 10% Cultist Efficiency
Septislime 2 49523K 1.13M 131B 8255
Septislime 3 51489K 1.35M 136B 9215
Booger 1 53490K 1.62M 141B 10175 10% Cyber Food Efficiency
Booger 2 55525K 1.94M 146B 11135
Booger 3 57596K 2.35M 152B 12095
Halluccino 1 59703K 2.84M 158B 13055 25% Flurry Skill Damage
Halluccino 2 61846K 3.47M 165B 14015
Halluccino 3 64026K 4.24M 173B 14975
Mushketeer 1 66244K 5.21M 181B 15935 8 BP Upon Rebirth
Mushketeer 2 68500K 6.43M 190B 16895
Mushketeer 3 70793K 7.96M 200B 17855
Wormies 1 73127K 9.91M 211B 18815 2% Blue Crystal Bonus
Wormies 2 75499K 12.3M 223B 19775
Wormies 3 77912K 13.6M 236B 20735
Swampeek 1 80365K 15M 251B 21695 15% Raid Drop Luck
Swampeek 2 82860K 16.5M 267B 22655
Swampeek 3 85397K 18.3M 285B 23615
Magic mushy
Magic Mushy 1 87976K 20.4M 305B 24575 5% Chance for Double Potion Level Up
Magic Mushy 2 90598K 22.7M 326B 25535
Magic Mushy 3 93264K 25.3M 350B 26495
Fungi bob
Fungi Bob 1 95974K 28.3M 377B 27455 20% Banana Bonk Damage
Fungi Bob 2 98728K 31.8M 406B 28415
Fungi Bob 3 101M 35.7M 438B 29375
Yucky foot
Yucky Foot 1 104M 40.3M 473B 30335 20% Ores from Mining
Yucky Foot 2 107M 45.5M 512B 31295
Yucky Foot 3 110M 51.6M 554B 32255
Swamp angel
Swamp Angel 1 113M 58.6M 601B 33215 2% Critical Chance
Swamp Angel 2 116M 66.7M 652B 34175
Swamp Angel 3 119M 76.1M 707B 35135
Psyccidello 1 122M 87M 768B 36095 3% Potion Cost Redux
Psyccidello 2 125M 99.7M 834B 37055
Psyccidello 3 128M 114M 907B 38015
Bog terror
Bog Terror 1 132M 132M 985B 38975 15% Tinkering EXP
Bog Terror 2 135M 152M 1.07T 39935
Bog Terror 3 138M 176M 1.16T 40895
Mishudusa 1 142M 204M 1.26T 41855 4% Green Crystal Bonus
Mishudusa 2 145M 237M 1.37T 42815
Mishudusa 3 149M 277M 1.49T 43775
Spots 1 153M 323M 1.62T 44735 18% Total Health
Spots 2 156M 378M 1.76T 45695
Spots 3 160M 444M 1.91T 46655
Nesto 1 164M 522M 2.07T 47615 20% Accuracy
Nesto 2 168M 616M 2.25T 48575
Nesto 3 172M 728M 2.44T 49535
Bog monster
Bog Monster 1 176M 862M 2.65T 50495 20% Idle Attack Damage
Bog Monster 2 180M 1.02B 2.84T 51455
Bog Monster 3 184M 1.21B 3.11T 52415
Biggie 1 188M 1.45B 3.36T 53375 2% Orange Crystal Bonus
Biggie 2 192M 1.73B 3.64T 54335
Biggie 3 196M 2.07B 3.94T 55295
Disciple l
Disciple L 201M 2.49B 4.26T 56255 5% Apothecary EXP
Keymaster l
Keymaster L 205M 3B 4.6T 57215 20% Monster Cash
The bog glitch
The Bog Glitch 1 210M 3.62B 4.87T 58175 7% Mining EXP Gained
The Bog Glitch 2 214M 4.37B 5.15T 59135
The Bog Glitch 3 219M 5.29B 5.45T 60095
The Bog Glitch 4 224M 6.43B 5.76T 61055
The Bog Glitch 5 228M 7.82B 6.09T 62015
The Bog Glitch 6 233M 9.54B 6.43T 62975
The Bog Glitch 7 238M 11.6B 6.79T 63935
The Bog Glitch 8 243M 14.2B 7.16T 64895
The Bog Glitch 9 248M 17.5B 7.55T 65855
The Bog Glitch 10 253M 21.5B 7.96T 66815
The Bog Glitch 11 259M 26.5B 8.39T 67775
The Bog Glitch 12 264M 32.8B 8.83T 68735
The Bog Glitch 13 269M 40.6B 9.3T 69695
The Bog Glitch 14 275M 50.3B 9.78T 70655
The Bog Glitch 15 280M 62.6B 10.2T 71615
The Bog Glitch 16 286M 78B 10.8T 72575
The Bog Glitch 17 292M 97.4B 11.3T 73535
The Bog Glitch 18 298M 121B 11.9T 74495
The Bog Glitch 19 304M 152B 12.5T 75455
The Bog Glitch 20 310M 192B 13.1T 76415
The Bog Glitch 21 316M 241B 13.7T 77375
The Bog Glitch 22 322M 305B 14.4T 78335
The Bog Glitch 23 328M 386B 15.1T 79295
The Bog Glitch 24 334M 489B 15.8T 80255
The Bog Glitch 25 341M 621B 16.6T 81215
The Bog Glitch 26 347M 790B 17.3T 82175
The Bog Glitch 27 354M 1T 18.1T 83135
The Bog Glitch 28 361M 1.28T 19T 84095
The Bog Glitch 29 368M 1.64T 19.8T 85055
The Bog Glitch 30 375M 2.11T 20.7T 86015
The Bog Glitch 31 382M 2.71T 21.7T 86975
The Bog Glitch 32 389M 3.5T 22.6T 87935
The Bog Glitch 33 396M 4.52T 23.6T 88895
The Bog Glitch 34 403M 5.84T 24.7T 89855
The Bog Glitch 35 411M 7.58T 25.8T 90815
The Bog Glitch 36 418M 9.84T 26.9T 91775
The Bog Glitch 37 426M 12.8T 28T 92735
The Bog Glitch 38 434M 16.7T 29.2T 93695
The Bog Glitch 39 442M 21.8T 30.4T 94655
The Bog Glitch 40 450M 28.5T 31.7T 95615
The Bog Glitch 41 458M 37.4T 33T 96575
The Bog Glitch 42 466M 49.2T 34.4T 97535
The Bog Glitch 43 475M 64.9T 35.8T 98495
The Bog Glitch 44 483M 85.6T 37.3T -